Merry Crisis

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And the winner, by a fucking landslide, isssss


"Gingerbread houses?" Abbacchio raised an eyebrow, sipping his morning coffee. They had both woken up later than usual on accident, Abbacchio because he had a wine headache, and (Y/N) because she totally devoured an entire thing of candy canes yesterday and stayed up till three trying to talk to the secret dimension of tree frogs. "I didn't know we had one of those lying around."

"Nah, I bought it somewhere yesterday." (Y/N) shook her head, unwrapping the stale gingerbread chunks. To be honest, she has never found a single gingerbread house that people ate, they were always just much too stale and gross. They were way too fun to decorate though, and she had bought a bunch of different frostings to go all out with this year. "Want to help? There's two gingerbread people so you can decorate one too?"

"I'm not good at arts and crafts." He muttered, eyes sweeping over the wide array of frostings she had brought. She was already constructing the house, applying an ample amount of frosting to the crevices on the inside to hold it together.

"Eh, who cares?" (Y/N) slid the tray over to his side of the table, scooting her chair to sit beside him. She motioned for him to hold the gingerbread walls in place at least long enough to set the roof on top, applying even more of the shitty frosting to keep everything steady. "Okay! Base is done, they gave us these candies to work with, and I have a metric shit ton of frosting, what should we do first?"

"I don't know. The roof?" He shrugged his shoulders, watching as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail and offered him a hairtie to do the same. She really wanted him to participate, didn't she? Reluctantly, he did the same, yawning softly and reaching for a red frosting pack. "What are you planning?"

" These little semicircles can be lights, frosting for icicles,  footsteps on the roof?" She drummed her fingers on the table, scrunching her nose and pushing the house away. "Nah, let's do the people first, the frosting needs to dry on the house anyway."

"Sure." If you were to ask why the hell he was being so compliant, it was because he was just too tired to deny, but he really thought about calling quits when she placed one of the two in front of him. "I thought I told you I wasn't good at arts and crafts?"

"I thought I told you it doesn't matter?" She hummed, already having some idea for her own cookie. "Just do whatever you want, have fun! You're capable of that much, right?"

"Har har." He rolled his eyes, unsure of where to start, unlike (Y/N) who had already begun to decorate hers. Leaning to the side, he tried to peek at what she was doing only to be caught.

"No peeking, Abba." (Y/N) tsked, taking the purple frosting to continue with her cookie decorating. He rolled his eyes, watching her work. Well, just her. She wouldn't let him see what she was doing. He sighed, picking up the (F/C) frosting and making the outline of a shirt, if he didn't have the creativity to create a new character, he might as well make someone he could use as a reference.

He paused once it came to her face. Everything else had surprisingly been decent, but the face would definitely be where his luck runs out. Peeking at her, he was surprised to find her staring back. (Y/N) blinked, quickly turning away to continue with her gingerbread man. Or, maybe a woman? She was probably making herself, wasn't she? Ah, of course she would. If this house was going to have two (Y/N)s, it should just be rubble. "Can you pass the candy hearts?"

"Sure. Can I see what you made?" He handed her the plastic pack to pick through, watching her take one of the red candy coated hearts to place on her gingerbread man. "Or are you still working on it?"

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