Depressed But Well Dressed

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"Has (Y/N) still not woken up yet?" Mista bent down by the girl, who was still peacefully snoozing on the floor. She could really sleep anywhere. It had only been a few minutes, but mostly everyone was up.

"No, just let her rest."

A sharp slap had her howling in pain as Mista had smacked her right in the boob. "OW you MOTHERFUCKER." (Y/N) gasped, grabbing both of them and checking down. "Oh thank god."

"No, you didn't 'pop your tit'." Fugo chuckled.

"Look buddy, just because YOU don't have any tits to pop-"

"Ow! Hey, right there... Hey, Fugo, (Y/N), can you take a look right here?" Narancia whined, having found a bump on his head from being mistreated by the enemy.

"Oh dear, you've definitely got one. It's pretty big." He tapped it, Narancia flinching in pain, whining about the pain. (Y/N) peaked her head out from behind Fugo, tutting to them both.

"Here, a kiss should help a bit." She leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to the bump. Narancia blushed, the kiss didn't hurt, at least. "Does that feel a little better?"

"Yea... a little" Narancia whimpered, and Mista was quick to jump on the bandwagon, pointing to his lips to ask for one, but was cut off as Narancia stormed over and kicked the body responsible. "Goddamnit, you bastard! It's all your fault! I've got a bump on my head because of you! Hope you're prepared, take this! And this!"

"Seriously! Who do you think you are?!"  Fugo growled, joining in for the beatdown.

"Yea! You pervert! Try to kill me, huh? I've survived more near-death encounters than I can count on both hands!"  She made a point to hit his stomach, she wanted to see if he threw up, would it escape his mouth or neck hole?

"You bastard!" Abbacchio was next to jump in, his kick hard enough to launch the decapitated body into the air.

"Ten points for Abba!" She cheered, letting them continue to beat the body. She got over things pretty quick, holding up the head so he could witness all the damage his body was taking until she noticed his hair. It almost reminded her of something, and her stomach sizzled with pain. "Ugh, he's so ugly I need to sit down and take a moment..."

She spent her time watching them torture him, Giorno taking the wallet that fell out of his pocket. "Mario Zucchero. He's a Gangstar from Rome."

MIsta kneeled beside the man, holding some fishing line and glasses that (Y/N) found a little while back. "Say, what's that on your face? It could be a piece of seaweed, but it also looks a bit like plastic. Mmh. It would break my heart if it was actually garbage, because it would mean this beautiful ocean is polluted. Mind if I take a closer look?"

There was no response.

"Hey. I asked if you'd mind if I took a closer look at that. Answer me when I ask a question, why don't you?" His voice raised, but got nothing in response, possibly because his mouth was zipped, but who knew.

"Wow. You just have no manners at all." (Y/N) sighed, swooping down and clawing his cheek, the leaf of seaweed hanging from her nail. "Yep, that's seaweed. Hey, he's not even paying attention!"

"Hm? The glasses? Yea, they aren't mine. They were inside the boat. Which do you prefer me to use?" He hovered over Mario, holding the glasses and fishing line. We need some answers from you, if you don't tell us, We'll be in danger. You have a partner, don't you? They're also a stand user, aren't they? That's the reason we'll be using these."

"You think you're too good to answer us?" She frowned, bending over him as Mista got the nylon fishing line ready. "Well. then I guess he should use them both, don't you think?"

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