Can't Spell 'Disconected From Society' Without Disco

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"Okay, thank you, Luci." She read over the notes he took in his swirly ass handwriting, flicking through the pages to take what info she needed and giving him a quick hug and the rest of her baja blast from dinner. Of course, now that she knew where to find him, she had to wait until the next day to go ambush him. Of course, waiting is boring to high hell and golfing is also boring to high hell. So that means she needed a victim for tomorrow's terrorizing.

Sadly, She woke up to a empty house. That was fine, there was still a few hours until the golf course opened, so she spent it delivering what had been ordered like a little mailgirl. First to a little house at the outskirts, then an apartment, and then a few houses in the countryside, and a few casinos, a few people at work, and she was done. She flicked her charm into her pocket, the last confidential paper had been delivered for the week, and while it was already lunchtime by the time it was all over, there were still five days to deal with Rico, and what was left of today. "How about some Caprese Salad for lunch..." her finger ran over the menu, other hand messing with the charms on her necklace. In the corner of her eye, an entire explosion of pink knocked her off guard, had she pulled her stand out on accident?

"(Y/N)?" Their eyes locked and he smiled warmly, striding up to the female responsible for this change. "I haven't seen you in a while."

"Neither have I, love your outfit though" She grinned noting the little ladybug brooch and zippers. "You look awesome, man."

"Really? I was wondering if it was a bit much-" He shyly brushed the cool boob window he had got, whipping his head up when her hands grasped his shoulders, internally spamming the 'keep your fucki ng cool you horny boy' button in his brain when she leaned closer

"Bro. Listen to me. It suits you. Own it, you're awesome." She grinned, pinching his cheek. "Anyways, wanna have some fun?"

"F-fun?" He forced his mind to function properly, trying to figure out what she meant with such a vague word. "Fun as in what?"

"Fun as in kinda illegal but we should do it anyways type of fun." She hummed. "You free today?"

He paused, unsure what her cryptic explanation could have meant. Was... was it drugs? No, it couldn't be. She wasn't an addict, was she? Giorno steeled himself, he didn't want his one friend caught in the drug trade, no, that would just be the worst. "Yes... I'm free. Where are we going?"

"Golf course." She hummed, happy to have got a potential buddy to come with her on her endeavors. "And no we are not golfing. Golfing is boring."

"What the heck are we going to do at a golf course?" He couldn't really think of anything else besides golfing at the golfing course, maybe, stealing golf balls?

"We are gonna go and run someone over, obviously." She scoffed, and Giorno started to weigh which was worse, drugs, or running someone over with the intent of having fun. "I have to... 'rough them up a bit' for doing this or that, so like, feel free to tag along, kid."

"Sometimes I forget you're like, two years older than me." He decided drugs were worse, after all, he was stealing crap, so why not? Maybe he could snag a few things from this guy.

"Two and some. Round up to three, underling. Let's go steal a golf cart." (Y/N) quickly hailed down a taxi to get them to the golf course. After shoving him into the back, she stole the front seat, clasping her hands together and trying to lookas normal and sweet as possible. "Sir, can you get there quick? I left my purse there and I don't want it getting stolen! I can pay you once I find it, double the amount!"

"Sure thing, Girlie." The taxi driver stuttered, driving down to the golf course even Before Giorno could buckle, the sudden speed throwing him back. Unfortunately, as he had sat up, the car had made a hard turn to the left, throwing him into the right door. For safety, he had settled on just holding onto the back of her chair for dear life while the vehicle careened through traffic. "Take as much time as you need, just be sure to pay up~"

"Thank you kind sir! We'll be sure to do that!" Not a moment passed before they had leaped out of the car and hijacked a golfcart, jamming her other car keys into the hole and wiggling it until it managed to unlock and start the engine. "Alright be on the lookout for some gaudy dude golfing."

"You mean that one on the first course stretching." He pointed towards the man, he was definitely more trying to show off to those inside the country club, so she revved the engine.

"Thats the bitch. Hold on to something, Giogio." A mischievous cheshire cat grin snuck onto her face as she punched the gas and went flying right into his stupid face. "TAKE THIS, RICO YOU ROTTEN PIECE OF CHEATING SCUM."

"You were dating Rico????" He screamed, gripping the edges as the cart bumped and drove over the body.

"Nah, I just like making drama, and it makes him look so much worse to everyone around." She sharply turned and slammed the brakes, throwing the cart 180 and running over him again when he tried to stand, stopping wheel a wheel resided nicely up his asscrack. "Work before pleasure, Darlin. The boss sends his regards."

He reached through the car, Golden Experience swiping some of his jewelry as he shouted at them to drive off of him. Two teens and a cart? Yea, she can see how it hurts. Too bad she doesn't really care that he's getting completely and utterly butt fucked by their cart.

"Yea get his pants too, and whatever is in there, I need the wallet to pay off the taxi guy. She glanced back at the man, completely horrified by what she had done to some dude just trying to golf. Giorno glanced up at her, but said nothing and did so. She didn't seem to care that he was stealing shit, really. Handing her the wallet silently, he sat back and cupped the little moths in his hands. "This should be enough, let's go and buy smoothies."

"M-my pants..." He heaved, no clue as to how his pants had suddenly disappeared, displaying his leopard print undies to the world.

"Either shut the fuck up or become the dirt I walk on." She hissed, uncrossing her legs to drive off. "Hopefully we don't have to go through this again, I would hate having to steal a pick up truck just to deal with you."

Giorno glanced at (Y/N), watching her park the cart in its rightful spot. "Well that was fun, got a place to sell those easy?"

"Yes, I do. They should fetch me a pretty good deal, I can pay for the smoothies." He gave her a charming smile.

"Nah, you don't have to do that. You're my victim for the day so I just gotta butter you up with treats so you don't tell the cops." Her grin was playful and made his heart swoon, wow, she's good at forcing stockholm syndrome. "You look like a chocolate person, did I guess correct?"

"Yea, I love chocolate."

"Great, it's on me!" So she can steal a bite without being an ass, paying the driver exactly what was supposed to be paid, even if his counter had been inflated much higher. He said nothing, driving them both off to get their smoothies.

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