I'm In Spain But The S Is Silent

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Today was as good of a day as any, all of them preparing to leave the house to go to their favorite restaurant and meet up with Bruno, who had disappeared since that morning. But (Y/N) couldn't say much when she had been called up by the Capo himself. It was rather out of the blue, But he had dismissed her of her duty under the premise of 'something just doesn't feel right.' She didn't question it, but was herded into Bruno's group regardless. When asked how she would proceed with her duties, he waved it off, no longer was she his assistant, she was under Bruno's care. Weird, but whatever bro. As per her new boss's orders, they would see him at lunch. "(Y/N), can you help me out?"

"Mista. What's up." Her (E/C) eye glanced up towards the door, the shirtless eighteen year old trying to reach the center of his back. She didn't seem to be affected by his lack of clothing, She's seen worse in this goddamn shameless household.

"You have really long nails, right?" His question was answered when she showcased her claws, her left hand painted pink and her right hand yellow. He bounced on his feet and pivoted to show his back. "Can you scratch my back? I have a super bad itch.... Like, super bad, and I can't reach it."

"Should have taken my offer for Yoga." She complied nonetheless, scritching his back and moving her hand with his direction. "Here?"

"Oh god, yeaa... right there, ooooh, a little harder?"

"Harder?" She pressed her nails deeper, ignoring his groan of satisfaction.

"As hard as you can, c'mon..." He whined.

(Y/N) paused, turning to look at the fourth wall with a deadpanned expression as if she was in The Office, and clawed his back, listening to him yelp. "Like that? Want any more?"

"No, Nope, all good." His voice was a little strained, exiting the room and taking his sweater into his hands, ignoring the dumbfounded Narancia standing at the door and turning to go get his shirt on. Poor orange boy almost lept out of his skin at the claw marks littered on Mista's back, quietly peeking inside (Y/N)'s room only to see her digging through her closet for a proper jacket to match with her very specific aesthetic.

"(Y/N)? Are you ready to go?" He stuttered, still shaken from whatever it was that he had just heard.

"Yea, lemme just wash my hands." She grumbled at the dead skin on her fingernails, he seriously needed to wash better, that's just gross.

"W-Wash... your hands..." He flushed, quickly turning to go downstairs and wait with Fugo at the door, ignoring the younger teen as he was questioned about his red cheeks. After a few more moments, they had both arrived downstairs, ready to leave the house and get some lunch.


"Okay so, I've been thinking..."

"Oh no, never a good sign." (Y/N) sipped her lemonade, glancing at the old man who had wobbled his way inside to talk with Bucciarati. He had asked to see him, waited there for who knows how long, but she was sure it wouldn't be much longer.

"So Human flesh, is it good or bad?" He took his fork, his noodles swirled around the prongs in a bite of carbohydrated deliciousness. Narancia didn't seem too fond of the conversation topic, choking on his bite of rabbit food, Fugo scolding Mista for his inappropriate lunchtime topic. (Y/N) huffed, stealing a croton from... someone's plate. She doesn't exactly care who's plate, it's hers now. Instead of listening to their weird conversation about sweetfish or something, she focused on the cute bird by the windowsill that stared at her, and she stole another bite of someone's food.

"Oh, Bruno's here." She looked up, shoveling the spoonful of hot soup into her mouth before they could notice, Fugo noticed anyway, scowling at the little thief before turning their attention to the man of the hour.

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