Eat The Spaghetti To Forgetti Your Regretti

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"Giogio, no way! You got into the same school I did?" (Y/N) grinned, pulling him in for a congratulatory hug and overlooking his acceptance letter. There was no doubt about it, this was the school she had attended before, while only for a shorter amount of time. Her school years were spent dodging police and skipping certain grades to just graduate as fast as she could, schooling was necessary, but if she could just finish up then maybe, just maybe, she could have escaped to somewhere he couldn't track her down and live a normal life. Of course, this was impossible now. She was trapped here as someone who didn't exist anymore. "This calls for a celebration!

"Really, that isn't necessary." Giorno was definitely glad to have her attention and praise, it wasn't really something he got often at home or anywhere, to be honest, so having a friend willing to take him out and celebrate meant a lot to him.

"You know, I never did get those pancakes from Denny's. They must be super mad about that... so why not get some pancakes, and get you a rad car." Technically, she did already have a bunch of cars that she was ordered to get rid of, but she couldn't just give him a bunch of wanted cars, no she was planning on selling the scraps to get the money for a car. Now why, you might ask, would she go through this tedious process? Was it to have him be forever indebted to her so she can get him to drive her places? Maybe, but that sounds evil, so you aren't allowed to word it like that. It's just a thoughtful little gift for her lil freshman friend.

"I can't drive."

"It's okay, it can't be that hard." (Y/N) shrugged, her impulsive need to buy shit she has no use for striking again. I mean, driving can't be too bad, there's a stop pedal and a go pedal and then a pedal that uh... Actually what the hell DOES that third pedal do? "Anyways, Let's see if those assholes will let us buy some pancakes."

"It's three in the afternoon?" He glanced at the clock on the statue, breakfast deals were surely over, weren't they?

"Yes. Pancake time, Giogio." Her hands slid to his shoulder blades, herding him towards the restaurant.  Anytime was pancake time. Fuck breakfast deals, there is nothing preventing her from getting some goddamn pancakes. "Extra butter and extra sunny eggs..."

"Right..." He entered the shop, greeted by the same waiters from before. "Uh.. hi, can we get some pancakes?"

"Pancakes? It's three in the afternoon." The same tired brunette glanced at his leather watch, his boyfriend wiping down a table and scowling at the two customers, lips raised into a fake customer service smile. It almost gave her hope that they remembered, waiting for them to spout insults and half assed threats at her with a grin and a pat on the back. They were simply assholes like that, but she wouldn't care. As long as they remembered, but they said nothing. "Whatever I guess. Pick a seat."

"Yea." (Y/N) grabbed Giorno's collar, dragging him into the booth with the least maple syrup stains. "Can Giorno and I get some pancakes?"

"Giorno?" The blond perked up, glancing over at the table, eyebrows furrowed for a moment as he leaned closer to the teen. "Holy shit you're the dude who ordered a bunch of pancakes and disappeared."

"That's the fucker? Goddamn, that was a fucking annoying night." The said boy blinked in confusion, he was almost sure it was (Y/N) who had ordered a stack as tall as him, definitely not the other way around.

"Yea yea, are you guys a couple? You would look super cute together." She smiled solemnly, reciting the same sentence she had told them a few years back. They didn't remember her. Like always, she had disappeared until nothing but a whisper in the wind.

"...We are." The brunette gripped his sweetheart's hand, thumbing the back of his hand.

"How did... How did you two meet?" Her teeth grit together, even if her expression was the same. She was the one that got them together. She was the one that set things up, how could she have been written out of the narrative?

"Oh... Well, I met Dante when we were both in the same class in school, He was part of the foot ball team and I was student council." The brunette brushed a baby hair back, it fell out of his clip again. "We were always busy and didn't get to talk much, but we both had a part time job here. And... I remember one day... Something told me to go to him."

That was me. I told you his feelings.

"It felt like an unstoppable force took me straight into his arms. It was right after his foot ball game, and I ran straight to him." He mused, picturing his face, sweat sticking strands of blond hair to his face, his glasses steamed from his own breath under the bleachers. "And... I just confessed."

I dragged you there. How do you not remember? How could you forget me?

"That's so cute! Also, something about a lot of pancakes, I'll pay for it in your tip. Get us a stack please." She grinned, flicking out her wallet and counting out the money she owed them. Not that they would ever remember it was her, but that was fine. She had grown numb, or at least that's what she told herself. But finally, her record had been deleted. Confirmed dead, she didn't exist anymore. He would finally quit hunting her. "Thank you..."

Turquoise eyes shifted to her figure. Giorno had no clue what had just occurred, but the whole interaction seemed to bum her out."What was that about?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." (Y/N) grinned, "let's eat til we burst and then go get you a car."

"I still don't understand where you get all this money from." He had a hint that it was from a mafia, but he couldn't really see her as someone in the mafia, where people were cruel and heartless. Yes, they did run over a man and steal his pants and wallet, but he's seen singlehand how kind she can be sometimes, the way she smiles at kids and talks to people as if she's known them for years, there was something about her that drew everyone in and lit up the room, metaphorically and sometimes physically. "Especially enough to afford an entire car."

"Shh... I'm buying you a car, that's basically code for 'no questions about the money and the very bad spending habits I have.'" She pressed a finger to his lips, sweeping the last forkful of fluffy pancake across the maple syrup puddle on her plate and raising it to her own lips, eyes locked with his. "Besides, no need to get you caught up in the big kid problems."

"You're only two years older than me." His tongue flicked out to lick the dollop of maple syrup on her finger, ignoring the quizzical expression he received and finishing off his own plate. It was obvious she was joking, he knew there wasn't a lot she actually took seriously, but she took him seriously enough as a partner in crime. Oddly enough, you would think he would be the older one with how mature he was in comparison. "I turned fifteen."

"Well shit, I really do need to get you a present then." Her grin spread, flicking the stack of money in her hands and setting it on the table. "Thanks for the service and have a lovely day, lovebirds!"

"(Y/N), just a question, what did you first think of me when you met me?" Giorno tilted his head, awaiting her answer. It wasn't a very tough question, but he's gotten a variety of answers that have all come up in relatively the same pattern. Their first impression of him is what they unknowingly see in themselves.

"I... I saw a loyal person that wasn't afraid of taking risks for what they believe in, if that makes any sense." She sucked her lip in thought. "What about you? What do you see in me?"

"Well, seeing as I first met you when you were trying to steal my food, I thought you were some hungry woman with something wrong with your eye." He answered truthfully.

"... oh." She didn't want to say she was disappointed, but she was very disappointed. "Thanks?"

"I'm joking," He wasn't. "I saw in you someone willing to do the right thing."

"Hey, that's pretty nice, didn't know I gave off that impression." (Y/N) grinned, pinching his cheek.

"Were you expecting something different?"

"I'm not sure, maybe just someone who wants to have fun in life. I think that describes me pretty well."

Giorno hummed, it was a pretty accurate description, really. She was someone who spread joy into everyone she met, him included.

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