My Professional Strength Is Spontaneous Screaming

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"It's so muggy in here..." Mista crawled out from under the seat, air covering his mouth as he surveyed the area. There didn't seem to be that much action going on here, possibly because everyone was old. "Are you sure you'll be okay without the ice, (Y/N)?"

"I'll be fine. I promise." She had poured some of the chilled water over herself, so that should be enough to keep her cool while her symptoms are still as light as can be. Hopefully it stays long enough to convince Prosciutto that whatever the hell he's doing is wrong and stupid, although as Risotto's right hand, she really doubts that it will be easy. To be extra careful, she moved the turtle's location to a small area in a much more concealed spot, just in case. "I'm going to go ahead since I'm better at sneaking around."

"Right." Mista trailed his fingers over the air conditioning system, If the driver's cab cooled down. Then everyone inside would cool down, right? It was a small act, but it should do at least a little to help out his friends if only to slow the aging by just a little. Cautiously, he pressed the button, but before it could even register, something had caught onto his finger, hooking into his flesh and jerking him forward until he crashed into the metal door. A different stand than the aging one? It had to be, did that mean that there were two stands? Did that mean that there were two enemies?!

In the upper cabs, (Y/N) had started to open all the windows she could for all the people and for her to have escape hatches, she knows that in the fourth cab, there was another open window, crawling out onto the top of the train and making her way down to the cab. She was correct, someone had closed it, but only for the stand to take effect, it wasn't locked, and she had no trouble sliding it open and worming her way inside. There were twelve train cars in total, so they still had a lot of area to cover, but just as she had turned to continue down the train, gunshots rang through the air. Was Mista in trouble? He couldn't have run into Pros so early, that man always had a flair for the dramatics, so it just couldn't have been him, but who else would come with? He couldn't stand to fight with Melone, who was a more long distance type. Risotto wasn't the type to come after some small fry, and Ghiacchio, Ghiaccio wasn't a really good match stand wise, since he was an AC unit all by himself. So the only one left was Pesci!

"Where did big brother go...?! I caught the gunslinger but he disappeared! Big brother!!" He cried, reeling his stand in more and casting hurried glances around the cab and at the door, which had swung wide open for some reason. He wasn't sure where his brother had gone. Did he leave already to go look for them all? Well fine, then he'll have to drag Mista here! It wasn't like the job was difficult, the deed was basically already finished! There was no way to drag his stand out, after all! His confidence soaring, he paused at the sounds of shattering glass, focus transferred to the broken pane in front of him. Where was he even aiming? Was he really just randomly shooting in hopes to hit him? How pitiful! It was almost funny how stupid it was, but he was swiftly silenced as his glass of ice shattered, a small yellow creature clinging onto one of the cubes. "He... he is aiming for that?!"

(Y/N) had ducked behind a seat, it was easier to hide now that she was smaller than usual, it was almost like some sick game of hide and seek, only, her friend's lives were all on the line this time. From the corner of her eye, she watched as the Sex Pistols shattered the ice cubes and made him their next target. This would have been the perfect time to catch him off guard before he could whip his stand out. Unfortunate as it was to say, it was much stronger than hers. But his weakness did lie in himself alone, and sadly, she would have to exploit it. Before she could, however, the old man in the seat she hid behind had toppled over, clinging onto Pesci.

Two more shots had fired, cutting clean through his hand and tearing off a finger. She wasn't too bothered about the whole ordeal, gunshots were something that she was used to, but a small part of her, possibly because of this stupid younger mentality, curled up in fear. She hated the sounds of the gun and the bloodshed they brought, ripping her mother from her and shredding the last remnants of a normal life from her grasp. Mista's voice faded away, muddled and foreign, as if spoken by an alien. Slowly, her apprehension had consumed her, tension like a loaded gun, just waiting to snap and blow.

"Help me... I've always loved fatty steak, but now I can't even eat it..." a strangled voice broke her of her thoughts and she scooted out towards the edge, watching an old man cling to Mista's hand and complain about his loss of appetite. But... Something just struck her as odd. How was he able to move so openly when everyone else withered away? Mista didn't seem to notice, trying to shake the man off with a few words of consolation.

To their surprise, Mista had begun to age rapidly, reduced to skin and bones in a matter of seconds as he collapsed to the floor, his muscles having long since given out on him. "B-big brother? Is that you? Are you my brother?"

She crept to the corner quietly, watching with bated breath as the man slipped on an overcoat with a spiderweb design and undid the top seven buttons with a smooth cut of his finger, and then proceeded to undo all the buttons. "I-I didn't notice! Y-You were there the whole time? I can't believed you aged yourself to blend in with the other passengers... Bro! Prosciutto! You're awesome!"

As he glided forward with admiration, Pesci was thrown back due to a rather harsh punch to the face, his brother's foot colliding with his cheek again and again. "You fucking moron! What the hell was that, huh? You still don't get it? Pesci, you fucking mammoni! Listen up! The reason I'm mad is because you're so weak minded, Pesci! Of course they blasted your ice, you were in shock. This is aging me, too, so this is bad news. But if it were any other guy on our team, they wou;dn't have made their stand go away when they were that close to finishing off an enemy! Even if they lost an arm or a leg! You're a damn Mammoni, Pesci. You freaked out, you're such a baby. It's not because of the ice, you're actually scared deep inside your heart. Grow up, Pesci. If you don't grow up, we'll never get our glory. We'll never defeat Bucciarati and his crew."

She shivered at the thought. Did they know that she was on said crew? Probably not, to be honest. The others didn't know either. They just knew her to be in another division for Polpo, but they vanished before she could tell them that she had joined their team.

"Once we decide in our hearts that we are going to kill someone, The deed's already been done!" He lifted the gun, aiming it with the precision of a nurse towards Mista's head. (Y/N)'s breath hitched, she knew this scene. With one eye peeking out, they were shot and dead in seconds. As if on instinct, she activated her stand just as three shots had fired in succession. Had her stand done anything to slow the bullets? With how the blood trickled from his temple, she had failed yet again, to save those important to her.

"Bruno... I need... I need to tell Bruno..." She whispered, choking back her sobs. It was her fault that he had died, she wasn't strong enough, she wasn't capable enough to stop the bullets, to reach out and change the fate she had lived through before. And now the rest of her friends would too suffer the same fate, but for some reason, (Y/N) couldn't bring herself to leave him to die cold and alone. "Mista, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

"(Y/N)..." He uttered, shifting his gaze to the girl. Maybe it was because he was a boy born under the lucky stars, but when he shoved that piece of ice in his cap, his stand was able to recover and stop all three bullets with the help of her stand slowing down the power considerably. Those bullets had barely breached his skin, all thanks to her. "Shit, why are you so sad? I'm fine, really... "

"Mista...!" (Y/N) was rather surprised, pulling away from his frail body and wrinkled face to slip his hat off and inspect the wounds. Number five sobbed into her hand, pressing the ice into his cheek. Was it luck that he was alive? Whatever the reason. She was just happy he was here, blinking back her tears as she tried to laugh it off. "Holy shit... I thought you were a goner... Don't scare me like that you asshole!"

"Heh, yea, I'm sorry. But... are you crying? Damn... I really am an asshole for making such a pretty girl like you cry, huh?" He puffed a chuckle, leaning his head back into her thigh and watching her cheeks flare red. It was the first time he's seen her blush, it must have caught her off guard. He almost felt bad for it, but he was happy to make her laugh.

"You're such an idiot..." She pressed the palms of her hands against her cheeks. "I... I have to tell Bruno about the stands...!"

"Number six is on it. Can't you stay a little longer..." He whined, hand grabbing at her wrist.

"You know I can't Mista, I'm going to go help the others, okay? You'll be fine." She averted her gaze, gently setting his head on top of his hat and making her way to the front car. She had to stop this before someone got seriously injured. Knowing the both of them, this fight could easily continue until death. Hopefully, however, it didn't come to that.

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