No Flesh No Brain But Still In Pain (Halloween Special)

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Happy motherfucking Halloween~

(Technically not cannon but if you want man, it does have a little, a little dash of plot in there, y'know? A small drizzle~)

"GET YOUR FUCKING SPOOKY ON" (Y/N), wrapped in three spirals of toilet paper and head stuck in a plastic pumpkin, barreled down the staircase. As an American, she was the most caught up in the Halloween spirit, and that is why everyone looked at her with abstract horror. "ITS OCTOBER 31, WHORES."

"Halloween?" Mista blocked his face as she chucked a handful of snickers bar at him, the candy tumbling onto the floor. He had some wolf ears in and a small tail taped to his leopard print pants. Halloween was always a night of partying for him.

"Correct, fucker. I'm off to go terrorize my buddies." The girl shoved some firecrackers into her bag, and Abbacchio raised his eyebrow, but sipped his coffee quietly. "Have some candy, get that diabetes, be a slut, do whatever you want."

"What the hell are you going to do with fireworks?" Fugo pointed at a haphazardly shoved explosive in her bag. He never got to celebrate it on account to his parents, so he wasn't really the embodiment of Halloween spirit

"Dumb shit. How's my mummy costume look?" She spun around for him, arms open to make sure every part of her was covered.

"Because you took all the fucking toilet paper from our bathroom for it, I'm gonna say you look like a piece of shit that a five year old tried to wrap and plant like a seed and then it turned into something like a cross of Jabba the Hut and that thing from The Nightmare Before Christmas."

"Not sure what the fuck that means but cool." She adjusted her pumpkin head, marching her way to the door and smacking the side of the pumpkin into the doorway. "Shit- pumpkin down oh fuck"

"Are you Okay, (Y/N)?" Bruno hovered over her worriedly, and Narancia quietly stole some candy from her bag in her moment of weakness. He was the only one also dressed up to the max, rocking a pirate costume like he didn't steal that from party city three hours ago along with a bag of candy corn, so she said nothing. "Do you want to take the pumpkin off...?"

"I'm good." She stood up and bounded out into public, on her way to go spookily visit La Squadra.

The group themselves were celebrating at home, using the holiday just for an excuse to party, as everyone would. They didn't expect a knock at the door, but were delighted at the thought of (Y/N) coming to visit them in a cute little costume, maybe as a cat, or an inflatable dinosaur. But upon opening the door to a girl absolutely smothered in toilet paper with a plastic jack o lantern head, their jaws dropped. They should have expected it, but it was still a surprise to see her. "(Y/N)? Are you in there?"

"Yup! Trick or treat!" She pulled the head off, slipping from her toilet paper cocoon in her penguin onesie. "It's a trick."

"How many rolls did you use for this...?" Formaggio knelt down at the pile of clean sheets at her feet.

"Two, but I have like, seven others in my bag because I wanted to piss off my friend." She reached over the pile to give him a hug, stepping over the toilet paper and into his arms. "Happy All Hallows' Eve!"

"Fucking thank you! It's originally called All Hallows' Eve, goddamnit!" Ghiacchio ranted from the couch, the main reason she switched back to its former name, to be honest. "Who the fuck switched to to Halloween?! That's so dumb!"

"Nice to see you too, Ghia." She adjusted herself to get on Maggie's back, pointing which direction she wanted to go, passing out candies to those she passed. It was mostly random, but she made sure to hand Prosciutto only lollipops, smacking the cigarette from his lips rather violently and shoving a tootsie pop into his mouth. "No smoking."

He rolled his eyes, sucking the cherry flavored lollipop in his mouth. It was still hard to quit, once she left he found himself with a cancer stick in his lips again, so he was somewhat glad she returned for a day to smack him out of it, even if his hand rubbed the small cardboard cigarette pack.

"How long are you staying, (Y/N)?"  Pesci smiled, holding the full sized Kit-Kat bar in his hand, and Melone nodded, popping a M&M into his mouth.

"Till Dinner, Probably. I have to do something once the sun sets, so."  She rocked back and forth on her heels, brushing her hand over her bag. "You know, can't stay too long sadly."

"That's a shame, but we're glad you came to join us."

"Well get ready to love me because I made spooky cookies!" She whipped out her plate of home baked cookies, and they all silently wondered how they were still undamaged, taking a cookie anyways and inviting her to come watch some Tim burton movies together.

The sun had just started to dip below the horizon, and she gave them all a soft hug, waving them off. It was time for her to go, she still had to get cookies to the police department and to the mafia hospital that sort of hated her, mostly as an apology. After that, she had to light some fireworks over her school. They didn't remember her, of course, but she already knew that.

Very scary: @ Digiorno r u free today? I would like to request your assistance

Digiorno: Yea I'm free what's up

Very scary: gr8 get over here and wear something dark.

Giorno raised an eyebrow, pulling a black sweater from his clothes and slipping it on. He knew that address, it was the school he wanted to attend. What did she need? Last time he helped her they ran someone over, stole someone's pants, and then spent the money on smoothies and the arcade. What could she be up to now?

(Y/N) sat on the roof, rubbing her arms a few times as she set the fireworks up. In the corner of her eye, she could see her phone light up, her helper was here. "Giogio, come on up!" She watched the ground rise and carry him up onto the roofs in a tangle of vines.

"Bet you've never seen that before." He grinned at her, but she only smiled.

"Bet you've never seen 42 only slightly illegal fireworks before." her lips pulled to show her teeth in a snug smile, helping him off the branches and flicking the spark of her igniter. "Ready? Let's go."

Amelia flinched at a sound outside her window, the blast of color that illuminated her room sweeping through her body in less than a second. Clambering to the windows, she watched the sky light up, whispering the number of short blasts and longer sparkly ones to herself, mentally computing the dots and dashes in her brain. When did she learn Morse code? It's all fuzzy, and her fingers gripped the windowsill tighter. "H a p p y... H a l l o w e e n..."

Something inside her mourned, but she didn't understand why. It was in that instant she sprinted outside, head still woozy from her medication as she scampered around the campus, looking for the person responsible for this. She had to find them, why did she have to find them? It hurt, everything hurt. The name was on the tip of her tongue yet she couldn't remember them. Who were they? Why did her heart ache at the thought of someone she didn't know? "(Y....(Y... I-I don't remember... I can't..."

"Okay, let's get out of here before the security comes, people are already gathering outside." The girl smiled, dragging the boy away from the edge, where countless had gathered in awe. One of them was her old friend, mouth twisted in pain as she tried to remember her name, but it was too late. (Y/N) had been erased from her mind, and nothing but her heartbeat remained.

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