Fugo Ending

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He's a man who rarely used his stand on his own decree. Sure, there were many times in the past where he was sent on a mission entirely due to its sheer destructive power, and most of those missions... were to silence people. Women, old people, even children at some points, he's grown to hate it just as much as he hates himself, seeing as it was himself.

Purple Haze was the embodiment of his irrational anger, sick and twisted and cruel, fueled with the urge to hurt others, it was everything he disliked about himself, all rolled up into his most powerful weapon.

It's why he's both respected and envied the others, who could actually have other uses besides just reckless murder. Out of all, he probably envied (Y/N) the most. Her stand was so simple in principle, she found ways to make it deadly. He couldn't do that with purple haze, all it was good for was killing. All he was good for was his anger.

And yet, the strangest thing kept happening. (Y/N) who had lost all her memories on the day of that fight, had grown particularly fond of the purple stand. He couldn't possibly fathom any reason why, while it still drooled and was just as deadly. Maybe she didn't remember? He groaned, brushing off the weird sensation on his head. "Fugo! Your stand's loose again!"

"Again?!" He thought he felt something! It was (Y/N)! Just when did that stand come out? "Damnit! Every time!"

Mista groaned, moving towards Purple Haze to try and lure it away, but the growling tyrant lunged at him, and he screamed at (Y/N). "AAAH GET YO FUCKIN DOG BITCH-"

"It don't bite." (Y/N) cooed, cupping the stand's cheeks to give them a little squish before letting go. Purple Haze was a sweetheart! She says as it growls and hisses at Mista.

"YES IT FUCKIN DO GET THE-" The stinky boy was promptly silenced by Fugo, who had grabbed and launched his hat out of the window for him to go fetch and leave them alone. As Mista left, Fugo could only stare at the scene before him. (Y/N) sat on her bed, giving his stand, the infamous Purple Haze, a killer in all intents and purposes, headpats and chin scratches.

"(Y/N), I know you don't remember, but my stand can kill you in thirty seconds, you really shouldn't be so buddy buddy with... it." He snapped his fingers, the purple figure dissipating with a growl. "I don't want you accidentally getting hurt."

"Then Purple Hazy won't kill me. Stands are a representation of the person, so if you don't want to hurt me, then you won't. At least, by your words." (Y/N) puffed a pout, rolling her eyes and scooting next to him. "Sit sit sit."

"Purple Hazy??" He gaped. Seriously, when did she get so close to that thing? Sure, everyone had their names butched into some nickname, Everyone was still reeling from 'Leonie', but that was just too much. He isn't exactly sure what the heck that mind sweeping did to her, but he knows that when she woke up, she didn't recognize them, but she certainly recognized Purple haze. "Seriously... Why are you so attached to it?"

"I don't really know. I just... I feel happy when I'm with you." (Y/N) grinned, wrapping an arm over his shoulder. "I can't explain it. Maybe it was before I got all fucked up there, but to be honest, I just feel really comfortable when I'm with you."

Fugo turned to look at her incredulously. What did that mean? Was that a friendship thing? Or was that something else? But he didn't want to confuse friendship with flirting, that would be a dick move. But what did that mean? Did she mean comfortable and happy like with a really good pal or like with a lover? The arm over his shoulders is comforting and she occasionally gives a little squeeze, did that mean something either? Is he overthinking this? He's overthinking this, of course she didn't mean anything by it when she's lost all her memories, but she seemed to retain the emotional impact, but he shoULDN'T MAKE EXCUSES- "Yea. I do too..."

"Then why don't you like it when Purple Haze is with me?" (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows, shifting her hold to just rest her arm over one shoulder. "He's a good stand, and I think you're underestimating him for some reason, you know? Just a little."

"I don't like him around you because it's dangerous, I keep telling you that! It's my stand, I know it best, and I am not underestimating it!" His temper was waning, and he swore he could hear his stand's signature snarl begin to tumble out of his own mouth.

"You keep saying 'it.'" (Y/N) hummed, pointing to the sky to voice her astute observation. "You always call him an It, you dehumanize your own stand all the time, you know that? I don't really remember why, but you make it seem like all he is capable of is hurting things, and that's not true. Look at me, I'm perfectly fine, you need to understand this."

He still didn't like it. "No! I don't understand how- even after all you went through- you still manage to find the most dangerous thing in the room and start poking at it! Do you just not have any common sense?! It's dangerous, it will literally kill you from a single accident, (Y/N)!"

"It's still just an accident. He's not as bad as how you always portray him. And it isn't like I actively hunt him out either, he always comes to me." (Y/N) grabbed her pillow and handed it to him to strangle, which he began to violently hit, imagining it as her dumb stupid dumb face, because he would never bring himself to hit the real thing.

"What the FUCK do you mean it goes to you?! Why, out of all the things, would it CONTINUOUSLY go to you?!" Fugo groaned, tossing the pillow across the room to watch it hit the wall and slid down to the floor. (Y/N) walked over to pick it up, dusting the beat up pillow off before setting it back on the bed with a little pat. Free pillow fluffing services. By the time she returned, Fugo had fallen silent. Oh. He knew why it went to her.

"Wazzup? You stopped ranting for a second there." She knocked his temple lightly, and he shooed her hand away. Ah, so he was still angry with her. Was he giving her some weird cold shoulder thing? "Really, Fugo I'm not joking. Don't get mad with me because I gave you the truth."

But he was not listening to her very good advice that everyone needs to hear sometimes, rather, he was thinking about each and every time Purple Haze was found with her. Each and every one of those times... He was totally thinking of her. "...Fuck."

"Hm?" She raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"No, you probably don't want to know..." Fugo coughed, turning away. He really... oh my god that was so stupid. "Sorry, I shouldn't have gotten mad at you... I was just being stupid."

"Super stupid." She mashed her fist into the top of his head in a little noogie, a grin spreading across her face. "But hey, that's probably why I like you, dumb dumb."

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