Episode 3 - Gone Again

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Late that evening, we were all gathered in my Father's training room to watch his evening lesson. The boys gasp as his shadow casts four arms against the closed door, but then Rico opens the door to reveal my father as his normal self.

"Ah, my children," he says, smiling down at Lloyd and I. "So glad you two could join us."

"It's been while, Father!" Lloyd replies, waving enthusiastically. They've developed a playful sort of bond recently and it always brings a smile to my face.

"Check out the new Sensei! Looking sharp," Jay whispers to us.

Dad smacks him hard on the head, shouting, "Silence! Close your mouth and open your ears."

"That's going to be difficult for him," I say, smirking.

Dad glares at me before he begins to walk around the room, hands behind his back. "Tonight's lesson is the Art of the Silent Fist. To fight without fighting."

I grin, having always loved this lesson. This was one of the first things my father taught me when I first went to the Underworld after mastering the Arts of Fluid Motion and Balance. "Since you are young, you are not yet strong," he had said, "therefore, you are better off ducking out of the way of your opponents, allowing them to tire out. Only then, will you gain the advantage and win."

"May I have a volunteer?"

"How about me?" Lloyd says cockily.

"The Ultimate Battle: Round Two!" Nya shouts as Lloyd marches over to Dad.

"Attack me," Dad instructs. "But please, no powers. I happen to like my monastery."

The kids and I laugh at his comment, but Lloyd doesn't seem to find it very funny. He charges at our father, who swiftly steps out of the way, causing Lloyd to crash into the table.

"You see, the key is balance," Dad says, gazing around the room. "Let your opponent fight himself."

With a shout of fury, Lloyd charges at Dad again, but Dad steps out of the way. Lloyd twirls around and aims a kick at Dad's face, but Dad leans back ever so slightly to avoid it. Lloyd uses a pillar to launch himself at Dad, but Dad side steps out of his way again. Lloyd tries to punch him from behind, but Dad easily dodges left and right to avoid them. Lloyd tries to tackle Dad, but Dad bends down, lifting Lloyd up onto his back and throwing him to the ground.

"Let the enemy tire himself," Dad says, smirking.

Lloyd runs and jumps into a kick. Dad yawns, then rolls out of the way, sending Lloyd flying into a pillar. They boys cringe while I burst out laughing.

"Pupils, I give you one of the most powerful Ninja in the land, the Golden Ninja," Dad announces tauntingly.

Kai, Jay and Cole facepalm while I laugh my ass off. Lloyd, angry and embarrassed, jumps to his feet and summons a ball of green energy to his hands. I immediately jump up and block him from throwing the ball at our dad.

"Easy, brother," I say urgently. "It was only a lesson."

Lloyd lets the ball of energy fade and sighs. "Sorry, I don't know what got into me."

"You let the anger take over," Dad says. "I know that feeling well. Now, lets divide into groups."

I thought I'd pair up with Kai, but Kai pairs with Jay. I would pair with Lloyd, but that would leave Nya with Cole, and I know for fact that that would make her uncomfortable, so I pair with her instead.

"Samurai vs the girl Ninja," Nya says, grinning, "this should be an interesting fight."

I get into a fighting stance and smirk. "Never call me girl Ninja again."

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