Episode 12 - A New Sensei

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The cursed realm is dark and dingy, kind of like the Underworld, except with a bluish-green hue. The floors, walls, and ceiling look kind of like skin, and bones seem to be the support beams of the place. Are we inside the Preeminent?

I don't have much time to contemplate this idea because Lloyd suddenly sprints away from me, running past Chen and Clouse in cages made of bone, all the way down to the other end of the Cursed Realm. I follow behind more slowly, saluting Chen as I pass; Clouse was too busy trying to break free to notice me.



My steps falter and I almost trip. That's when I spot them; Lloyd is hugging our Father, who is chained to the wall behind him. My legs move before my brain tells them to and suddenly I'm barreling into my father, hugging him tighter than I've ever hugged anyone ever before.

"Tasha, my sweet daughter," Dad says, voice thick with grief. "I never thought I'd see you again."

"We'll get you out of here, Dad," Lloyd declares as he begins to tug on the chains.

"There's no use. These chains will not break."

"Where are we?" I ask, finally letting go of him.

"The Cursed Realm is the Preeminent and the Preeminent is the Cursed Realm. You two are in the belly of the beast. But . . . if you're in here . . ."

"Morro is the Green Ninja," Lloyd finishes, giving up on breaking the chains. "And he's stolen the Realm Crystal. We tried, Father."

"You must not give up," Dad says firmly. "If he has the Crystal, all is endangered."

"But how?" Lloyd's voice shakes and, for the first time, I realize how scared he is. "I'm not the Green Ninja anymore."

"It was never the color of the gi that made you who you are," Dad replies, leaning towards Lloyd as much as he can despite the chains. "It was the color of your heart. Don't give up."

"You must leave here and destroy the Preeminent. Save Ninjago. Save the Realms."

"But if we destroy it, it could destroy you," I argue, fear and grief churning in my stomach.

"Whatever happens to me, wherever I am, I will always be with you." Fighting the urge to burst into tears, I wrap my arms around him. He continues, turning to look at Lloyd again: "There comes a time when every boy must become a man. What sort of man is up to him."

Lloyd nods, tears glistening in his eyes.

"Tasha," Dad says, prompting me to pull away so I can look at him. "I know you are strong, you've proven that time and time again. I know you will do the right thing, you always have. It is up to you, now, to lead and teach your brother. You are ready."

A frog crawls into my throat, preventing me from replying verbally. I nod, placing a hand on the brown leather strap of my backpack.

Borg was right, I would find my worth on this mission.

"I-I'll be right back," I whisper, turning and running back the way I came. I find a secluded corner, away from Chen and any other male prisoners, and pull out the robes Borg designed for me. With a final, shuttering breath I strip and change into them.

It shouldn't surprise me that the material is very light and breathable; this is Borg's design, after all. The robe is form fitting and easy to move in. I don't exactly have a mirror to look at myself in, but I like how it feels, so in turn, it must look good. I stuff my jeans and t-shirt into the backpack and put it back on. When I arrive back where I left Lloyd with Dad, I find that they have switched outfits; Lloyd and I are matching now, just like we used to.

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