Episode 8 - Dream Warrior

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Everything hurts. It's the kind of ache that only happens when your body has been through intense amounts of stress. The kind that you cant seem to shake unless you're asleep. A dreadful ache that, for me, always means something bad is going to happen.

I don't want to open my eyes. If I open my eyes, then I'm going to have to play along as that vision unfolds. I don't want that to happen. If that vision comes true, I'm losing my Sensei, the love of my life, and the good memory of my dad. If I wake up, Lord Garmadon will return.

I open my eyes anyway.

There's nothing I could possibly do to keep that vision from happening, awake or asleep.

"Tasha," says Lily, rushing to my side and grasping my hand.

"Lily. How long was I out?"

"Only a few hours, but a lot has happened since."

"Like what?"

"Master Wu was taken."

I cant help the exasperated sigh that escapes me. "Of course he was. What else?"

"Lloyd, Jay, Cole, and Zane have gone searching for clues while Kai and Nya went to investigate other matters."

"What other matters?"

"I think Nya is trying to find who stole her Samurai suit."

"And Kai?"

"Still obsessing over that helmet."

I toss the covers aside and make to get out of bed, but Lily is very quick to stop me.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to help my team."

"No, Tasha, that's not a good idea. You passed out!" I don't think I've ever seen her so concerned.

"I'll be fine. I had a vision for the first time in a while, but I'll be fine."

"Wait, vision?"

I try to shove her aside and get out of bed, but she as tough as a boulder. There's no moving her unless she wants to be moved.

"What vision?"

"Listen, Lil, a long time ago, I'd get these visions that predicted the future. Usually it had something to do with a shift in the balance between Good and Evil. I'm pretty sure it relates to my power somehow, but that's besides the point. The point is, I need to go and help so that we can try and prevent it."

She doesn't move a muscle. "What was your vision about?"

"That doesn't matter."

"Is it even possible to prevent it?"

I don't say anything. Sadness fills her eyes as she comprehends. She has no choice. If we want to stand a chance, we have to try.

She moves out of my way.

I'm out of bed in seconds. My head pounds and my body feels like it's about to shatter in a billion pieces, but I stay my course, picking up my boots and my bow and heading for the door.

I spot my mom at the end of the hall. She calls my name, but I can't hear her. I cant hear anything, not even my own footsteps.

I stop running, suddenly confused.

I was just talking to Lily, so why can't I hear my mom?

That's when my knees buckle beneath me. The world is tumbling towards me in slow motion. Before I can hit the ground, everything goes black.


"Tasha May Garmadon." The voice is deep and gravelly: Loud, ringing across space and time.

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