Episode 2 - Misogyny at It's Finest

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"Oh, Tasha, there you are!" Dareth exclaims, gesturing me to join him and Kai.

I glance skeptically over at Nya, who's getting her makeup done, and she just shrugs. We're supposed to film a makeup commercial together soon, so I don't know what Dareth wants with Kai.

"Great, okay, guys, so I've been thinking--"

"That's never good," I interrupt with a sigh.

"Eh? Anyways, I've had this brilliant promotionary idea that involves just you two, and I really think it can be beneficial in improving both your images."

Dareth pauses a moment too long and Kai seems to be growing impatient. "Well, what is it?"

"Well, you know how you two have been very quiet about your relationship?"

"Yeah, what about it?" I say narrowing my eyes.

"Well, I think it's about time we change that. I'm suggesting we announce the official union of your two souls!"

My eyes widen, but Kai still looks confused. "Meaning?"

Dareth deadpans. "I want you two to get married."


"Yes, married," Dareth exclaims, regaining his pep instantaneously. "The fans would love it!"

I scoff, crossing my arms. "Not Kai's fan girls."

"I don't care what the fangirls say," Kai announces, looking me dead in the eye. "Let's do it."

"What? No, Kai, we can't get married!" I exclaim before Dareth can celebrate. "What ever happened to taking it slow?"

"But we're not actually getting married though, right Dareth?" Kai says, smirking.

"Right! U-unless you want to, of course."

"So we're just announcing it," Kai states, resting his hands on my shoulders. "Maybe if we do this, the press will finally stop bugging us about our relationship."

"Or maybe they'll bug us even more to try and get wedding details!"

"Ooo! That's a good idea!"

"No! Dareth!" I snap, making both him and Kai flinch. "Incase you both have forgotten, I'm still only seventeen, so it's illegal without a parents permission, and I can assure you my mom will also say no. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a commercial to film."


"Hiya! Ugh!"

Nya's being way more aggressive than usual with the training dummies. She's knocked the heads off multiple, the arms off a few, and flooded the chest piece of a couple. I would stop her, but honestly, it's quite entertaining. Also, she just needs to blow off some steam. I can understand why she's angry and I know that sometimes when you're angry you just want to destroy. Of course, there are better ways of handling anger than breaking things, meditation being one of them, but I can teach her that later. For now, she needs to be herself and express herself her way.

"Bad day?" Mom says as she approaches, surveying the destruction. "You're supposed to hit them, not destroy them.

"I'm a girl, but I'm also a lot of other things," Nya complains, crossing her arms and hanging her head. "But what does that matter when everyone only sees me as one thing: the girl ninja." She groans, kicking the head of a broken robot out of her way as she stalks over to me and Mom. "I just wanna be given a fair shot."

"Why? To make things easier?" Mom asks as she starts replacing the heads on the robots that were somewhat reparable. "The harder it is, the more you will excel. You'll never be happy if you let the world define you. You've got to define yourself."

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