Episode 1 - Dark Lord's Daughter

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"Focus. Feel the power. It is inside you. It runs in your veins. Harness it. Control it."

I shut my eyes tighter, trying to find the energy my Father speaks of. I've used it before. Once. In a dire situation. One where I was almost killed. I haven't been able to utilize these abilities since. But they're there. I know they are. I can feel it. I just cant seem to control them. I cant seem to 'unlock my true potential' as my father continuously puts it.

"Yes, Tasha, yes! That's it. Focus!" my father urges, his voice jumping in octaves with anticipation.

The energy that was once building at my fingertips begins to fade. I let out a small grunt and desperately try to cling to the power. When it disappears completely, I let out a groan of annoyance. I reach into my boot, pull out one of my daggers and whip it to my left, opening my eyes as I do so. The blade embeds itself in the rock on the far end of the room.

"You had it."

"But I lost it."

"But you still had it." I stay silent, not bothering to look up at my Father. "You are getting stronger and stronger every day. You are so close to unlocking you're full potential."

There he goes again. "You keep saying that, but I don't feel any closer than I was three years ago," I grumble.

"Have patience, my daughter. Trust me. You are close," he says. I vaguely notice him approaching me until he places his hand under my chin, tilting it up so I can look into his red eyes. He brushes his shadowy thumb across my cheek as he watches me with adoration. "I have a mission for you."

I perk up immediately. "What is it?" I ask eagerly.

"Samukai is leading a raid on a small village. We have reason to believe the map to the golden weapons is hidden there. I want you to go with them. Make sure they don't mess it up," he says slyly.

"Yes Father," I say with a quick bow of my head. He pats my cheek softly and I turn to leave, grabbing my bow and quiver of arrows at the cave entrance.


"Oh, oh! Let me go first! Please, oh, please! I'm dying to go down there!" Nuckal pleads, bouncing up and down in his seat.

"You nitwit, you're already dead! Try to control yourself in front of Master Samukai!" Kruncha scolds. He then turns to face Samukai, who is seated at the top of the skull truck. If he could, he would have a sheepish grin plastered on his face. "With all due respect, last time... you did say... I could go first."

"Sorry, boys. Lord Garmadon has sent his daughter with us this time. It's only right that she goes first," Samukai replies, gesturing to me with one of his four arms.

I smirk, though they cant see it under my mask. The only thing they really can see are my piercing blue eyes and a few wisps of platinum blonde waves that peek out from under my hood. I am fierce looking, dressed in my dark violet and black suit. The Skulkin look at me expectantly, waiting for my command.

"ATTACK!" I yell.

Following my words, the vehicle lurches forward and down the hill. I pull my bow from my back, notching an arrow, ready to fire if need be. Many of the skeletons jump from their vehicles and start chasing around the petrified citizens of Ignacia. The truck I ride comes to a stop and Kruncha and Nuckal jump off. I follow them and the three of us break into the place which the map is supposedly hidden in: the blacksmith. The two literal numbskulls search the place whilst I stand guard.

"You're not looking hard enough!" shouts Kruncha after a few minutes. A bang notifies me that he hit his partner.

"Ow! You're not looking hard enough!" Nuckal retorts.

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