Episode 16 - The Final Countdown

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It's very typical for me to walk around the bounty in a sports bra and sweat pants. I have had a six pack of abs since I was ten years old and that ultimately made me very confident in myself and my body, something not many girls my age can say. But today I'm not feeling so confident. Not because I'm suddenly ashamed of my extremely fit physique, but because all of the boys are running around shirtless, testing out their new powers. It's just not fair!— I've spent seven years training to be as strong as I am, and they train for a few months and have far more muscle definition than I do. I know I can kick all of their asses and I've proven so many times before, but when I stand next to them, it looks like they're far stronger when in reality they're not. It makes me feel like I'm less than I actually am. That's why I sit underneath a palm tree, robe hung loosely across my shoulders to conceal the body that I've worked so hard for.

"Order up: Coconut cream pie, served well done!" Kai exclaims, shooting a wave of fire at the coconut Cole just launched into the air.

"It is good to have our powers back!" Zane says.

"Yup, you're right," Jay agrees. "And since we've all been working on our witty quips to follow every cool thing we do, I'd say we got this final battle in the bag. Or should I say--" Cole hurriedly launches another coconut into the air-- "I'd be shocked if we loose!" He shoots a bolt of lightning from his sword to destroy the coconut.

"Enough!" Uncle shouts from the top of the hill. "Are you trying to reveal our hidden location?"

"Sorry, Sensei," Kai says. "We were just practicing our cool new Elemental Blades."

"And our witty quips," Jay adds.

"Be warry of over confidence, Ninja. While it is true your powers can defeat the Stone Army..." Uncle pauses to look at me. I haven't told him about what happened at the Temple of Light, but I suspect he already knows. "Only Lloyd alone has the power to defeat Garmadon. When it is all over, then we will see who laughs last."

The boys bow their heads and utter unanimously, "Yes, Sensei."

As soon as my Uncle disappears over the hill, the boys go back to messing around.

"Eat dirt scumbag!" Cole yells as he projects rocks from his sword. The coconut he was aiming for, however, was not a coconut. Zane quickly cuts off the dirt's path with a shard of ice, saving his falcon.

"That is not a coconut!"

"Nice reflexes," Cole laughs.

The falcon squawks and lands on Zane's arm. "Good to have you back, old friend."

Kai slides down next to me, a cheeky smile plastered on his face. "Why aren't you out there with us?"

I shrug, looking away from him. "I just don't feel like it."

Kai grabs my chin and pulls my face towards him. His smile has disappeared. "What's wrong?"

I shake my head and force a smile. "Nothing's wrong."

Kai narrows his eyes. "Don't lie to me. I know when you're lying. Is this about your father?"

I shake my head, trying to turn away again, but he wont let me.

"Please tell me what it is!"

I stay silent.

"Don't make me force it out of you!"

I raise an eyebrow. Kai attacks my stomach, squeezing my sides until I'm laughing uncontrollably. He repeatedly shouts for me to tell him what's wrong, but it's impossible with how much I'm laughing. Eventually, he stops, but not before pressing a tender kiss to nose and them my lips.

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