Episode 1 - Material World

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"Hello everyone! I'm Kimmy Jimmel and you're watching Kimmy Jimmel Live where today we will be interviewing the ever elusive, ever talented, bad ass Purple Ninja, Sensei Tasha Garmadon!"

Plastering a smile on my makeup-caked face, I walk across the stage, past the flashing cameras and past the overenthusiastic crowd until I reach the couch that's next to Kimmy's desk. Smoothing out my black dress pants and white blouse, I take a seat, crossing my left leg over my right.

"Welcome, Tasha, welcome," Kimmy says, flashing his pearly white smile at me. "I'm so glad you finally agreed to coming on my show."

"Yeah, well, you wouldn't leave me alone until I agreed, so . . ."

Kimmy and the crowd laugh, though I find nothing funny about my comment. Kimmy's people have been flooding my emails and dm's for weeks, even going so far as to ambush Kai and Lloyd to try and get to me.

"Who knew you were so funny," Kimmy says, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. "But we're not here to tell jokes, are we?"

"I suppose not, otherwise you would've invited Jay."

Kimmy smiles and the crowd laughs. "Yes, yes. Now. Let's get down to business. You are, as previously mentioned, a sensei. What's that like?"

I'm honestly taken aback. I didn't think this would be the first topic of discussion and I'm actually quite glad that it is.

"It's not much different from my life before," I explain. "I guess people tend to respect me more, I get to make more decisions regarding training regimens—oh, and I get a super cool robe."

"Ah, lovely, and that one and only robe is made by Cyrus Borg, correct?"

"Yeah, he did make it—fashioned it after my father's, actually."

"Right, right. The former Lord Garmadon, deceased half a year ago. How have you been coping with his loss?"

My faux smile wavers. "I'd rather not talk about that, actually. Can we change the subject?"

"Yes, yes, of course, Tasha. I'm sorry for bringing it up. A new subject . . . hmm . . . how about your relationship with Kai, the ever so charming fire ninja? He's been stingy about giving us information on your blossoming romance."

"Maybe that's because we don't want you nosing your way into our personal lives," I snap.

Kimmy doesn't flinch, doesn't drop his smile, nor does he shy away from the topic. "Is that necklace around your neck from him?"

My hand instinctively goes to grab the silver charm around my neck. The letters K&T are cold against my palm, reminding of how long it's been since I wore it. I only put it back on a few days ago after Kai and I shared our first kiss in a while. It feels really good to say we're actually back together again, but we're taking it slower this time around.

"Yes, it's from him."

"That's so sweet. Mind if I take a closer look?"

I hesitated. I guess there's no harm in it though. "Okay," I say, taking it off and handing it over to him. He turns it in his hands, then holds it up for the camera.

"It's a very beautiful necklace," Kimmy says, handing it back on.

I put it back on my neck where it belongs before settling my hands back in my lap. "He gave it to me for my birthday a year ago."

"Oh? So you've been together for over a year now?"

I shake my head. "Not exactly. We took a break for a while, but we're back together now."

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