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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the character, except the plot.

Warning: A bit out of character.

Not Possible


Dressed in his usual black hoodie and combat boots, Zhang Qi Ling leaned against the pale blue wall, unseen by the many doctors and nurses that flitted around the room.

In their defense, though, no one ever saw a God of Death.

With his arms crossed over his chest, he watched a young, soon-to-be mother lying on the bed. Her husband, a bundle of nerve and excitement, reminded her to breath, whispering words of encouragement and love, even as the man's fingers turned an abused white in her crushing fingers.

"Mrs. Wu," the doctor at the end of the bed said, "just one more push."

Zhang Qi Ling moved away from the wall just as one of the many machines next to the bed blared to life.

"Doctor," a nurse warned her, the doctor's face narrowed in concern, concentrating on her task.

The father looked up, dark brown eyes bright as he scanned the nurse's face. "What is that? What does it mean?" his questions were brought to a halt when his wife squeezed his hand and a scream echoed through the room.

Zhang Qi Ling watched the doctor gather the baby to her chest, working her fingers past faintly blue lips and into the little mouth.

"Nurse!" she snapped and the baby was plucked from her arms.

Zhang Qi Ling followed the nurse as she moved across the room and placed the small baby boy under a heating lamp.

Several more doctors seemed to materialize in the room and huddled around the table.

Stepping to the head of the table, Zhang Qi Ling moved his hand over the child and slightly smiled at the few wispy locks of dark brown hair that lay on his crown.

All that he had to do was touch the baby and the newborn would never take his first breath, his faint heartbeat silenced forever.

Ignoring the constant chattering of the medical staff, and the more and more hysterical yells of the baby's father, Zhang Qi Ling gave in to temptation and ran his fingers over the baby's head.

The moment that his fingers brushed the slightly damp brown silk, the baby's eyes snapped open.

Vivid, brown orbs locked with his own midnight black, and Zhang Qi Ling would have said the baby was looking right at him if he didn't know that was impossible.

Before he could give the situation more thought— a tingle of electricity moved over his fingers and up his arms.

After only a second, the tingle increased with such intensity that Zhang Qi Ling was forced to move his hand.

He stepped back, eyes a bit wide, and cradled his hand against his chest.

"Not possible," he whispered, looking up at the ceiling as though the words were directed at sky.

One of the nurses held a small bag over the baby's mouth and Zhang Qi Ling heard the doctor comment on the baby's improving vitals.

When he looked back down, the baby's sharp eyes still followed him and a small, wrinkled hand stretched toward him.

"Not possible," Zhang Qi Ling repeated and stepped back. The baby started screaming.

"Is the baby okay? Someone tell us what is happening!" the father demanded and a nurse turned and smiled brilliantly.

"It's a boy and he gave us a bit of a scare, but his going to be fine."

"Oh, thank God," the man replied and bent down to kiss his wife. "Did you hear that? It's a boy! You did wonderful. I love you. I love you."

The woman turned her face into his kisses. "Yi Qiong," she began with a sleepy smile, "I lov..."

Machines blared to life once more and all the doctors and nurses looked toward the baby until Mr. Wu began frantically calling his wife's name.

Within five minutes, the doctor removed her gloves, glancing solemnly at the clock on the wall and called the time of death of Mrs. Wu.

No one saw Zhang Qi Ling remove his hand from Mrs. Wu's brow and disappear as a stricken Wu Yi Qiong was let back into the room.

But, in his defense, no one ever saw a God of Death.

Until today.

To be continue...

Author's Note: I need to get this out of my system because its bugging me to do this sort of genre. And here it was. I hope you guys will enjoy this!

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