Chapter 18: REASONS

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He had imagined a million times over what it would feel like when Wu Xie called on their bond again. The entire time, Zhang Qi Ling knew he was torturing himself. Wu Xie wasn't ever going to call him, but he couldn't stop himself. If a God couldn't believe in miracles, who could? He pictured a hurricane of emotion crashing over him and although he knew it would hurt, he would gladly stand with his arms spread wide and take the beating again and again just to feel Wu Xie again.

The reality was so different from his imagining that it nearly brought him to his knees. Wu Xie's renewed call was like a gentle breeze in the early months of spring. Cold, to be sure, but if you could stand it, filled with the breathtaking promise of warmth and light to come.

"Wu Xie," he gasped and stepped from the shadows.

Wu Xie didn't open his eyes, but a slow half smile formed on his lips. "If only you had answered this quickly before, we might have skipped a lot of trouble."

Zhang Qi Ling stopped in front of Wu Xie. Close enough that if he reached out his hand, he could touch the warm skin on Wu Xie's cheeks, and run his thumb over his feather soft lashes.

He didn't even realize that he had acted on those thoughts until deep brown eyes snapped open and Zhang Qi Ling heard Wu Xie's hitch in breath. He tried to pull away, but Wu Xie's hand on his wrist stopped him. Unable to do anything else, Zhang Qi Ling stared into Wu Xie's wide eyes and traced his thumb gently over Wu Xie's bottom lip.

Suddenly, Wu Xie threw Zhang Qi Ling's hand off and backed away until he hit the arm of the couch. "It's just not fair..." he panted with his hand held against his chest. Zhang Qi Ling watched Wu Xie cautiously because, although he could feel Wu Xie's feelings of sadness and want, anger simmered just below the surface, growing stronger and stronger with each draw of breath he took.

"Has our case come back?" Wu Xie asked. "Does someone understand why my life has been a mess since birth?" Zhang Qi Ling barely had a chance to shake his head, not that it would have mattered since Wu Xie refused to look at him. He began pacing the length of the couch, fingers curling and uncurling in agitation at his sides. "Because I can't figure it out. Is it some big joke? Does someone think it's funny doing this to me?"

Suddenly, Zhang Qi Ling was caught in Wu Xie's pained gaze.

"To us? Is it something I did? Is it something you did? Are we being punished?" Wu Xie's words came out like rapid fire, slicing through the air and poisoned with emotion. "Are you sure that this has never happened before? And if not, why now? WHY US? Doesn't everything have a reason? The Ultimate's brilliant plan..."

Zhang Qi Ling didn't speak, didn't move, and barely breathed. Wu Xie's face was red and his chest heaved. Pent up anger and frustration and confusion made his eyes burn like fire. Wu Xie was breathtaking and Zhang Qi Ling wasn't sure he could interrupt, even if he wanted to.

"What's the reason? Is it a lesson? Who learns from it? God dammit! Tell me why?"

"I don't know," Zhang Qi Ling said quietly and Wu Xie's eyes flashed.

"How long have you had to think about this? Twenty-one years! How long have you been alive? Or existed? Or whatever it is you do? You must have some idea, some theory. You're a god. I can only imagine the things you have seen."

Zhang Qi Ling watched Wu Xie try to slow down his breathing and gain some control over himself. One hand clutched the sweatshirt over his chest while the other held onto the back of the couch like a lifeline.

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