Chapter 4: SENSATION

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Wu Xie noticed him immediately. He always did.

Zhang Qi Ling leaned against the far wall of the living room watched Wu Xie maneuver his bright yellow walker around the coffee table and his father's long legs and move steadily toward Zhang Qi Ling. He smiled and babbled, his little legs pushing and pushing until he stopped in front of the god and thrust his arms up.

"Up! Up! Up!"

Zhang Qi Ling just stared down at the boy and then looked at Wu Yi Qiong when the man walked toward Wu Xie. "I knew I shouldn't have let you watch that western movie." Wu Yi Qiong chuckled, rubbing the little boy's head. "Xiao Xie, you can't climb walls." Dark eyebrows furrowed for a moment. "At least not yet."

Wu Xie glanced quickly at his father and giggled, looking back at Zhang Qi Ling with shining brown eyes. "Up! Up! Up!"

"Xiao Xie, that's enough," Wu Yi Qiong sighed. "You keep trying for that and I'll make us some lunch." The phone rang shrilly. "After I deal with that..." Wu Yi Qiong ducked and pecked Wu Xie on the cheek before walking out of the room.

Wu Xie had taken to banging on the tray of his walker, a continued chorus of 'up' and giggles falling from his mouth.

Zhang Qi Ling kneeled, careful not to get too close, and said, "No."

Wu Xie's little fists stopped mid-hit. An adorable... annoying... pout came to his small lips and he whimpered, "You now! Wuto up! You up!"

Zhang Qi Ling just shook his head.

"Youuuuuuuuuuu," Wu Xie whined. "Pwease! Pwease!" was a one year old capable of puppy dog eyes?

"I'm Zhang Qi Ling." And after a moment, "They call me Xiao ge." Zhang Qi Ling took a moment to chastise himself for attempting to communicate with a one year old by pointing at his chest like a caveman.

Wu Xie's dark brown head tipped to the side, his mouth moving over the new sounds, he was simply miserable with Z's, and suddenly he smiled. Zhang Qi Ling didn't realize how much he had missed the look until this moment.

"Qi! Up, Qi! Up!" once more, the small hands were thrust into the air and his little hands were thrust into the air and his little legs bounced him up and down in his chair.

"I can't touch you," Zhang Qi Ling said and sat crisscross in front of Wu Xie's walker. "It hurts you."

The baby brought his hands down and fiddled with a toy attached to the walker. "Ohhh," he said sadly. With a little sigh, Wu Xie looked at him again, this time just reaching out his fingers. "Qi?"

Zhang Qi Ling shook his head. "I will hurt you. Hurt Wu Xie."

Wu Xie still reached and whined until Zhang Qi Ling held out his hand. "I'll show you once." He said with a serious frown.

Wu Xie, unconcerned by the dark look, smiled and Zhang Qi Ling saw four white teeth in his grin. He'd been gone for too long. He moved his hand closer and Wu Xie grabbed onto his thumb. Immediately his breathing hitched and trusting brown eyes widened. Just as quickly as it started, Wu Xie let go.

And giggled.

Before Zhang Qi Ling could pull his hand away, Wu Xie grabbed on again and let go, then again and let go. His laughter was like a ringing bell. "Tickies! Qi, tickies!"

"Wu Xie, I'm not tickling you," Zhang Qi Ling corrected him and just watched while the baby willing had his breath stolen away over and over again.

Zhang Qi Ling looked across the living room and saw Wu Yi Qiong standing in the doorway, a look of concern over his face. He cupped the receiver of the phone and whispered, "Xiao Xie? Are you all right?"

Wu Xie clapped, bouncing in his seat, and pointed excitedly to what looked like an empty wall. "Qi! Qi!"

Wu Yi Qiong smiled. "That's a new word," he said and then walked back into the kitchen, talking once again into the phone.
Zhang Qi Ling felt Wu Xie's fingers tickle his hand and quickly snatched the fingers up into his own. Wu Xie's face twisted with surprise but the boy didn't pull away. His face lost its color and Wu Xie slumped back into his walker, but he never struggled. It was like he wanted Zhang Qi Ling to collect him.

Zhang Qi Ling released his hold, practically throwing the child's hand back at him and stood, plastering himself against the wall. Wu Xie gasped for breath, sucking in air, and coughed weakly. Wu Yi Qiong was in the room in a second, babbling about Wu Xie's breathing and speaking rapidly into the phone.

Zhang Qi Ling kneeled next to the father and child and leaned into Wu Xie's face. Wu Xie's lashes fluttered over his eyes, his breathing still shallow, and he sighed, "Aww.. Qi," before he lost consciousness.

The doorbell rang and suddenly men and women in EMT uniform crowded into the room.

Zhang Qi Ling watched them connect the baby to the monitors and bring Wu Xie out of the apartment. He collapsed against the living room wall, rubbing his hands over his face. "It makes no sense," he whispered.

He wasn't surprised at all when his body started to tingle, overwhelming and most decidedly exhilarating sensation racing through every nerve, and the air swirled around him.

He panted and then disappeared.

To be continued...

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