Chapter 23: HEAVEN

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His scream still echoing in his ears, Zhang Qi Ling didn't even take the time to register where he was before he threw himself over the desk.

"What did you do?" he deadly whispered and curled his fingers into the collar of Zhang Rishan's white shirt. "He won't understand." With each word he shook Zhang Rishan. "I can't leave him like that again!"

Zhang Rishsan, for his part, took the abuse with a blank expression, as if facing the wrath of one of the Ultimate's god was just a trifle thing. Cementing this theory, Zhang Rishan yawned wide, half-heartedly covering his mouth with the tips of his fingers, and turned a page of his documents over Zhang Qi Ling's head.

Zhang Qi Ling growled, shoving Zhang Rishan back into his chair. He stood in front of Zhang Rishan's desk, fingers fisted cruelly at his sides, and his breath came out in harsh rasps. If he was surprised that he was suddenly dressed in a white, loose fitting shirt with drawstring pants, he didn't show it. "I'm going back."

Without looking the least bit ruffled, or up from his document, Zhang Rishan nodded absently. "I wouldn't worry too much about leaving your little friend behind."

Zhang Qi Ling didn't answer, hands shaking with suppressed anger. "You have no idea..."

"Yes, yes..." Zhang Rishan said with mock concern, "because what could I possibly know." Long fingers turned another page. He read silently for a moment, a near giddy smile curling his lips, but then, as if he remembered he was in the middle of something, continued, "What I do know is that going back isn't going to get you any closer to him than you are now."

Zhang Rishan finally looked up, but didn't meet Zhang Qi Ling's eyes. Instead, he focused on something in the far corner of his office. Zhang Qi Ling turned, and there pressed back in the corner like a wild animal under attack, was Wu Xie. His entire body was posed to move, to run, to attack, and his eyes darted around the room, looking for explanation or escape.

"Wu Xie," Zhang Qi Ling breathed, stepping away from the desk and turning to face the dark brown haired man. It was possible that Wu Xie didn't hear the relief in that single word, but Zhang Qi Ling did, felt it with his whole being, and Zhang Rishan's poorly concealed snort indicated that it hadn't escaped his attention either.

Wu Xie stepped cautiously from the corner, keeping his eyes on Zhang Rishan, but when he reached Zhang Qi Ling he shoved him hard in the chest. "What the hell?"

The sound of Zhang Rishan's hands landing on his desk filled the room. "Heaven, actually." Zhang Rishan corrected nonchalantly and turned an exasperated look in Zhang Qi Ling's direction. "I thought he'd be smarter than that."

"Heaven?" Wu Xie reapeated, slightly higher than Zhang Rishan's version, and then stumbled back, his hand rubbing the back of his head. "Am I dead?"

Zhang Qi Ling's head snapped around to Zhang Rishan so quickly the man flinched. "Right, about that..."

Zhang Qi Ling stepped angrily toward the desk again only to stop when Wu Xie's fingers curled into his sleeve. He looked back to see that Wu Xie's face had paled.

"I thought we agreed on not killing me..." The smallest smile curled Wu Xie's lips, but his voice gave away his nervousness and his fingers didn't loosen on Zhang Qi Ling's arm.

"He's not dead."

Zhang Qi Ling face could have been carved from marble. "He can't be here if he's not..."

"He's standing right here," Wu Xie hissed, "And he has a name."

Zhang Rishan leaned back into his chair, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. With a long, put upon sigh, he said, "I know your name. Every damn god in Heaven knows your name. And, frankly, Wu Xie, I don't want to look at it anymore." Slate-dark eyes opened, zeroing in on Wu Xie with an intensity that made the young man press against Zhang Qi Ling's side. Zhang Rishan's eyebrow rose in a graceful arch, his amusement at the action clear. "So here's how we are going to play this. I want you to be very, very quiet. No one needs to know that Wu Xie is here, in Heaven, with his physical body and his stolen..." Wu Xie opened his mouth, anger flashing in his eyes, and Zhang Rishan spoke over him. "Fine, 'borrowed' soul. You two have already caused me more than enough paperwork, thank you very much."

Zhang Rishan held Wu Xie's eyes for an intense second and then nodded, having apparently gotten Wu Xie silent agreement. With Zhang Rishan's attention elsewhere, Zhang Qi Ling felt Wu Xie's hold loosen on his sleeve. A moment later, Wu Xie's fingers curled around his own and squeezed. Something inside Zhang Qi Ling tensed, waiting to feel the pull of death at Wu Xie's soul, but there was nothing. Nothing but the warmth of Wu Xie's skin and the pressure of his grip.

"Sit down, boys. I did call you here for a reason." Zhang Rishan grinned until his eyes closed and the smile pulled comically at his features. "Well, one of you, but who's counting?"

Zhang Qi Ling shifted toward the two white chairs that had suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Rishan's desk, but Wu Xie didn't move.

"Wait," he said softly, holding Zhang Qi Ling back by the hand grip on his hand. The muscle of his jaw worked under his skin and his eyes narrowed on Zhang Rishan. Zhang Qi Ling felt anger flow over their connection like a fog, slow but all encompassing. "You did that? You hurt him."

Zhang Rishan nodded immediately. "Yes."

"Wu Xie," Zhang Qi Ling warned softly, squeezing his fingers, but Wu Xie yanked his hand away.

"You were screaming in pain," Wu Xie said without emotion. His fingers curled and uncurled at his sides. "I thought you were dying. I thought I'd never see you again after we finally..."

The soft brush of fabric shifting made him stop and they both looked at Zhang Rishan who had crossed his arms, watching them closely. Wu Xie glared at the god as if it was him who was intruding. With frustrated noise, Wu Xie turned back to Zhang Qi Ling. His emotionless demeanor lost. He bit his lower lip and whispered, "I thought that you were being punished..."

Zhang Rishan cleared his throat, leaning forward with his elbows on the desk. His face was the epitome of scientific curiosity but Zhang Qi Ling had seen less deviousness in the eyes of the minions in Hell. "Oh, and just what could you have been doing that would need to be punished?"

Wu Xie's face went from righteous anger on Zhang Qi Ling's behalf to deer-in-the-headlights. "I... umm..."

Zhang Qi Ling moved toward the desk while Wu Xie continued to stammer and pushed Wu Xie into a seat before taking his own.

"You called?"

***To be continued

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To be continued...

Author's Note: A little later than I had planned, but I'll hope the chapter makes up for the wait, even if just a bit. Sorry 😞

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