Chapter 17: IN LOVE

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Audio titled: WU YEN

In Love


It was a chaste kiss, the sliding of lips and the tightening of fingers on Wu Xie's hoodie. Wu Xie moved his own hands to Ah Ning's arms and squeezed, eliciting a low noise from Ah Ning, before opening his eyes and pushing back. His left hand moved Ah Ning's arms to the side of her neck, cupping the skin gently and forcing Ah Ning to look at him.

"But not..." Wu Xie whispered, "...not like that." Wu Xie grabbed Ah Ning hands and moved them off his hoodie as he stood. Ah Ning sat up, and placing her hands on her lap.

Ah Ning let out a long, shaky sigh and, without looking up at Wu Xie, shifted her injured leg. Her black hair shook and she finally looked up, with tears in her eyes and nodding. "I kinda knew that."

Her wet smile was too lazy to be true but Wu Xie returned it nonetheless. "What happens now?" Wu Xie asked and moved back toward the couch. He didn't sit.

"We're friends. I told you that wouldn't change. I won't leave you. I swore that, too. But, you need to answer my question. I think you owe me that." Ah Ning wiped her tears away.

"Ah Ning," Wu Xie said, but Ah Ning continued to stare back at him. Wu Xie moved back into his seat on the couch and sat with elbows on his knees. He held his chin in his fingers and turned his head so that he could see Ah Ning. "Yes. The answer is yes. I have been in love."

Zhang Qi Ling slid to the floor.

"When?" Ah Ning asked. "Why haven't I ever seen..." Wu Xie's chuckle cut him off.

"Not many people do. See him, I mean."

Ah Ning just stared at him and Wu Xie continued, "I... um, I don't remember when I started loving him. But I do remember when loving him started to hurt."

"Why did it hurt?"

Wu Xie rolled his head to the side and smiled at his friend. "Remember that teacher we had? Cox Henry"

"Yes, that guy was a terror."

Wu Xie's smile became a grin. "That he was. Remember when we did that lesson about what different phrases mean? Up a creek without a paddle... the road to hell is paved with good intentions..."

"Yes, I remember. I can't believe you do."

"Shut up, I'm an honorable student." Wu Xie said with a mock glare. "How about 'a bird and a fish can fall in love'?

"But where do you live," Ah Ning finished. "So you are telling me that you and your mystery women are a modern day Romeo and Juliet?"

Zhang Qi Ling couldn't help the darkness clouding his face. God, if only they were that lucky.

"No," Wu Xie snapped playfully, "that would be ridiculous. And besides, this person was not a women." The weary way Wu Xie rubbed at the back of his head chased any lingering playfulness away.

Ah Ning shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest. "Okay, I'll work on that. Why didn't you ever say anything?"

"There are parts of this story," Wu Xie said slowly, "that are... unbelievable and maybe not mine to tell. His job makes it... hard, dangerous even."

"Why? Oh! Is he a spy? Oh no! There's no way I can compete with a 007."

Wu Xie shook his head, but his eyes shone with amusement. "I grew up with him, sorta." Wu Xie's words were slow and obviously calculated. Zhang Qi Ling knew Ah Ning would be able to tell, but was glad that Wu Xie wasn't telling the whole story. They were already a high profile case in Heaven, no need for Wu Xie to 'out' heavenly beings.

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