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He paints a pretty picture,

The picture's not a wrist,

It's the most beautiful girl he could think of,

Who's skin is sun kissed,

She's got flawless skin,

Hair as white as a dove,

This girl that he's thought of,

Is the one he used to love,

Her eyes shine bright like stars,

Heart filled with love and affection,

The girl he used to love,

Was the opposite of imperfection,

Every time she smiled,

His heart would shine brighter,

Sad that she's gone,

He pulls out his lighter,

Out goes the box,

The cigarette goes in his mouth,

Now that he's thought of her,

His emotions have gone south,

He stares at the pictures,

Remembering the good times,

The way she danced in the sunshine,

How she loved dresses with lines,

Now he's got nothing,

Nothing but heartbreaking reality,

Wishing he could go back,

Go back to normality,

He stares at another picture,

A picture of them together,

Remembering what they had,

Was somewhat a forever,

Out goes another picture,

He stares at the caption,

Now he knows what to do,

His next action,

He digs in his pockets,

Pulls out the knife,

Drags it down his veins,

Just to take his life,

He paints a pretty picture,

This time on his wrist,

But it was all because of the girl he loved,

Who's skin was sun kissed...


So sad..xc

~Robin *-*

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