Swimming Pools

41 3 0

My greatest fear is a swimming pool,

The water so cold,

So icy,

So cool,

Underneath the water I'm fragile and afraid,

All my of my strength denied,


No one sees it but really I'm shaking,

Feels like an earthquake to me,

The water quaking,

My skin feels like flaking,

Choking on water with the breaths I'm taking,

I call out but no one can hear me,

I called out but no one was near me,

In this swimming pool I'm all alone,

In this pool,

I'm choking,

Dying like some queen dethroned,

Swimming pools,

Catching my breath,

Swimming pools,

Forcing my death,

Fear taking over my body,

Not one person,

Not nobody,

Could save me from the nightmare I was trapped in...

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