
84 12 2

ɗσηυтѕ му ɗυɗє..


Turn that frown upside down,

Turn that tiara into a crown,

Princess I don't want you to cry,

I want you to wonder why,

Why your not smiling,

Why your not laughing,

Why your not making those cute little faces you make,

Why all the smiles I noticed on your face were fake,

I see it,

Believe it,

I noticed all the little things in you,

All the bigger things too,

I noticed them all,

I just don't want to see someone like you fall,

I don't want to see anyone play with you like a stringy yarn ball,

See my princess,

You gotta stand tall,

Waiting for the right prince,

Waiting for that one call,

But don't worry about this all,

Not yet,

Don't fret,

For now,

You live,

You breathe,

You dream,

You have fun,

And you rule,

Like the little princess you are...


кιηɗ σƒ α ʀυѕнєɗ ρσєм. нєн..... ωнσσρѕιє.... ɗσηυтѕ.

~ ʀσвιη

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