Chapter 8

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(A/N: I forgot to mention this. When Slayer's equipment is sent back to his Warp Pack, they disappear the same way as how you switch guns in Borderlands 2. Also special thanks to Masterchief7384, Middernacht1, Paulgamer235, Justguy2018, insert_name6, J0ssEW0lfe, binkerbots, and jakethegamer446mvpla for helping me come up with this is chapter. If it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't have been able to come up with this chapter. You guys are awesome!)

-3rd POV-

Ever since General Ironwood had found his son Slayer, or "Meda", and his daughter, Keiti, were stay at Beacon Academy a week ago, things were not going so well for Team AC.

When Slayer got back to his dorm room, he told Keiti everything that happened, including the part where they were Ironwood's children and that he was the one that saved her. She was surprised by this and didn't really know how to feel about it. On one hand, she was angry that the people of Atlas treated her brother like shit; but on the other, she was surprised that the man who they hated had saved her life. She also saw some of the Atlas soldiers help some of the people in Vale. Three of them even helped a little girl who was crying get her cat out of tree, and helped a lost child find their family again. She remembered the soldiers in being nice to the citizens way back then, but she's never seen them this nice. It also surprised her that after a whole week of them being here, they still haven't come after her or her brother. She started to wonder if the General had changed over the past 20 years.

But Slayer was on edge. He didn't trust the General or his soldiers for a second. He remembered everything that happened to him in Atlas, and the memories were haunting him. He knew that the General would want to take his sister away from him and that she would refuse. He also knew how the General would respond to that, and that's with brute force. He started to get stressed and paranoid about what the General would do next, and as the days went by, he started to act different. His fighting style became more brutal and reckless, he hardly talked or smiled, he distanced himself from others, he spends less time in class and more time working on his projects, and he was serious and tense all the time.

As this was happening, Professor Ozpin was watching them through the school's cameras and was starting to get worried, but he was mostly worried about Slayer.

-Keiti POV-

I was in our dorm sitting at the workbench, trying to make a new core for Meda. I was wearing an apron, goggles, and gloves with all my tools on my left and a bunch of parts and other materials on my right. Making a new core is not easy, it's really hard, and it's even harder when he requires a specific one that is no longer manufactured. The cores that Atlas makes now are a lot more powerful than what they were 20 years ago.

I looked at the core that I created and groaned. The front looked like the core that Meda is using now, but the rest of it looked like a complete mess. There were wires and parts sticking out of the sides and back of it. It almost looked like as if someone stuck a bunch of wires and computer parts together to see what it would look like.

I leaned back into my chair as I let out a long sigh in frustration.

Keiti: I may be as smart as the scientists and engineers in Atlas, but I have never made a core from scratch before.

I leaned further back into my chair and looked up at the ceiling. I was about to close my eyes and relax, there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door and was greeted by Team JNPR.

Jaune: Hey Keiti! Do you have any tools that Nora could borrow?

Nora: The last grimm I smacked really put a dent into my hammer!

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