Chapter 4

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-Slayer's POV-

Team RWBY and JNPR entered my room. Ruby, Yang, and Weiss where sitting on my bed. Blake, Pyrrha, Jaune, Ren, and Nora were sitting in the chairs that were from my desk and kitchen table while I leaned against my workbench. I took a deep breath and sighed.

Slayer: What I'm going to tell you must NOT be told to anyone else. If word of this gets out, then Beacon's going to be in so much trouble. And it won't be caused by me. So, if you can't keep a promise, then leave.

Blake: It can't be that bad.

Nora: Yeah, I mean, you probably think your only a freak or monster because of your anger problems and how strong you are, right?

Ren hit Nora in the shoulder.

Nora: Ow! Sorry.

I chuckled.

Slayer: You're particularly right, Nora. But, it's mostly because of this.

I said as I removed my right jacket sleeve and shoved them my serial code on my right arm, 'SL4Y3R'. Everyone in the room either gasped or looked at me shocked or surprised look.

Jaune: You're...! An escaped prisoned!?

Slayer: What? No, this is a serial code that Atlas puts on their robots!

Jaune: Oh....

Blake: Wait. So, you're a robot?

I sighed and nodded.

Slayer: Yeah... I'm am model SL4Y3R, codename Slayer. I am a humanoid robot experiment built by Atlas 20 years ago. The experiment was to see if a humans heart, brain, and soul could be put into a robot, and to see if they could make the ultimate soldier.

Ruby: I'm going to guess that they were successful since you're here.

Slayer: Yeah, they were. After the operation, they trained me in everything you could think of that a human would need to survive. And, soon enough, I became the strongest robot and soldier that they had. They thought I was perfect.... Until a year after I was built, slowly, everything started to change. The people of Atlas looked at me in fear, my comrades started to ignore and make fun of me, my friends started to avoid me, and  worst of all... because of what they were doing, my behavior started to change. I went for being a strategist to a being a brute. Only thing of what to kill and taking orders from the General. I slowly started to become a machine... a machine that fought brutally and wouldn't care about anything. There would be days, weeks, even months that would go by where I wouldn't sleep, eat, or drink anything and would collapse from exhaustion and starvation.... You think it would stop there, right? Nope. I got SO MUCH WORSE the next year. Any time I would walk around Atlas, people would run away from me and lock their doors. My comrades thought of me as a threat and would call me and freak, a monster, a killing machine, and a psychopath. I eventually started to believe them and became that thing that they all feared. I became brutal, I no longer cared about allies, and I started to enjoy killing things. And then they started to give me nicknames, one that fit me perfectly back then....

I slightly looked down, put my jacket back on, and went silent. Everyone looked at each other and then back at me.

Yang: And... what were they?

Weiss: The God of Death...

RBY, JNPR, and I looked at Weiss surprised as she continued. She was holding her left arm and slightly looking down with fear in her eyes.

Weiss: The Slayer of Destruction, the Bringer of Chaos, the Night Walker, the Doom Slayer, and... the Armored Core. It's known for being a ruthless killing machine. Destroying anything and anyone that gets in its way, whether they were friend or foe, in order to get the job done.

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