Chapter 4

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Steven's POV

Here I am minding my own business when Vicky gets flowers from Emily's brother . Brother? why in the world would her first tell her she's cute then buy her flowers? and for what ?

Ok look i get it my sister for me is adorable, heck she's the youngest out of all of us really. So let me get one thing straight Zayn, Zeke, Amber, Victoria and I are the same age its been that way since we were born. How? well mom got pregnant with all five of us so yeah, wonder how she managed with all five of us then?

But in order it's always been Zayn, Amber, me, Zeke then Victoria. That's why she's the baby in the family. I'm going off here any way uhm he said his name was Dexter so which one?  I sound so rude saying that but I want to know.

Mmm well I know that they're only two out of three brothers that wear glass so its kind of making it better I don't know I'll just have to see tomorrow.

Zeke's POV

Who does he think he is giving my SISTER flowers. First it was the cute thing in the morning then the flowers oh no I ain't having it. Listen I et that my sister my love all these cute thing, she blushed didn't she?

He maybe a bit taller than me but I'll beat his ass. I don't care his flirting, FLITTING! with my sister and what's even worse is that it's Vicky! I love my sisters I really do but Vicky is very sensitive .

I don't want her to fall for another asshole. Oh yeah my sister did date this human in our school . I think it was two years back . Any way where I'm going is she became too in love with the guy and he liked her for what two months then he decides break up with her, Why?

Well lets just say he wanted Amber and only got close to her just to talk to Amber more, asshole told her in front of us which pissed all four of us. In the end Victoria cried a lot and that asshole never comes near us again. 

So in conclusion ,I'LL BEAT HIS ASS!

Writers POV

Later that evening the Ivan's were having their dinner severed by Fiona and Hannah. they all sat by the dinner table.

"So how was your day back you five?" asked Sombra

"It was okay" said Amber " Although we had a new student in our class"

"Oh yeah who?"

"Well all I know is that she's Elena's cousin and she's a tough one"

Sombra glanced over at Zayn

" i thought you said you broke up with Elena, Zayn?" 

"Im still with her dad" he nods and faced Amber

"Do you know the cousins name Amber"

" Ah I think it's Crystal" Sombra faced his wife

" Honey you don't think its James and Braven's child?"

"It could be Som"

" No"

"I could just call Braven and ...."

" No, no, no I don't want none of them"

"Dad?" they faced Steven " What's wrong?"

"Your father doesn't like Braven and James also known as Mr and Mrs Black"

"Crystal did say her mother and Elena's dad are siblings" said Zayn, Sombra faced Vanessa

"See Braven might be the girls mother"

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