Chapter 6

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At break time the siblings saw Crystal hanging out with Victoria and Emily. So Zayn and Amber decided to join them and Elena went with her boyfriend . They sat opposite them

" What the fuck do you you want Elena?" said Crystal

"I'm with my Zaynybo, Crystal"

She rolled her eyes

"Victoria" She faced Zayn " That guy doesn't bother you does he ?"

Zayn's POV

The minute she faced me I felt her change, her mind go blank. It's still her bur her mind it's blank, I can't read anything. I asked her a question about Dexter and just s pilt second later her mind comes back, freaky

Emily's POV

Ive read Vickys mind countless times but the minute she faced Zayn I read nothing like she was dead or somthing, now that scared me. Yet when Zayn said the guy meaning my brother her mind goes up and Dexter comes flashing in her mind.

What did you do Dexter?

Elena's POV

I normally dont do or say anything to Victoria because im mostly with Zayn but her mind goes on and off which scared me.

Wonder what my cousin Dexter did to her

Writer's POV

" NO" said Victoria

"He only sees you at school right?" asked Amber

"In the morning yeah"

"Vicky " She faced Emily "I know my brother he'll do anything to hurt you"

"But I've never really talked to him" She lied and Zayn just knew it, he hears mumbles at her room. So yesterday he listened in.

"Good cus his dangerous"

"How dangerous ?"

"Very so it's best you never talk to him"

she nodded and looked to her side. She saw a raven bird looking at her, it looked strange so it flew away.

Dexter's POV

SIGH . I made a bird, raven fly to see how Victoria was doing because something didn't feel right. SO it landed there , close by actually and I notice her very blue. I wonder why Emily said I was dangerous when she knows that I am way far away from DANGEROUS , I love soft, fluffy bunnies for crying out loud!

Emily is trying to get me to leave Victoria alone which I cant do, nope and now that she's sad. No way. I cant see her but I know where she lives so I could deliver some gifts, she did tell me that she loves teddy bears. So I'll buy her one

Writer's POV

After school and the drive to home, Victoria couldn't stop but think about the bird.

"Everything okay sis ?"asked Zeke

"Huh? yeah, yeah just lost in my thoughts"

Then she got a ping on her phone, strange she never got that before. She looked at her phone and it was a message from Dexter, she forgot they exchanged numbers yesterday night.

😃Dexter : You looked sad today at break, Vixen

Victoria : Was that bird yours ?

😃Dexter : Yes I always look after you

She smiled

Victoria : But why ?

😃Dexter : Because Vixen your adorable and you need me

Victoria: Need you ?

😃Dexter :To protect you

Victoria : I can protect myself and I have my family that can protect

😃Dexter : But if they're not there ?

Victoria :Protect myself

😃Dexter : But who will protect you then ?

Victoria : I don't know

😃Dexter : I'll be there

Victoria : You don't know that

😃Dexter : Or maybe I do

Victoria : That's creepy

😃Dexter : You always know what to say Vixen

Victoria : I have to go

😃Dexter : Good bye Vixen I'll see tonight

Victoria : Yeah bye

She leaned back in the seat watching the road outside. They arrived home finding Zayn and Amber having their lunch already. Their parents only arrived at that so it was only them with Fiona and Hannah. They sat by the dinner table having their lunch when there was a knock on the door. Hannah opened and it was a delivery man. She signed then closed the door, holding a purple bag and a giant brown teddy bear. She walked to Victoria placing the bear next to her on the empty seat then the bag in front of the bear. Confusing the siblings

" Who are they for Hannah ?" asked Victoria

" For you mistress Ivan"

Then she walked into the kitchen that surprised her but not the siblings. She opened the bag took out an expensive perfume then a box of chocolate then a box. It was wrapped in red wrapping. She opened that and it was a box, she sighed

"Seriously ?" She opened the box then saw a diamond necklace. "Oh wow" A card dropped and Zeke took it " Zeke give it back"

"Not until I know who it's from"

" Zeke that's none of you business"

"Let me read first"

"No" He read it

" I hope you feel better my sweet Vixen from D" She grabbed it from him

"Your not suppose to read my things Zeke"

" That guy is obsessed with you Vic "

She packed her things away and took them upstairs into her her room. She then came back to finish her lunch. She faced Zeke

"Just because I'm the youngest then you, doesn't mean you have to take my things"

"I'm trying to protect you Vicky"

" I don't need your damn protection" She stood going to her room, slamming the door

" That's not like Victoria" said Amber

"Yeah whatever that guy's doing with her, his messing with her mind" said Zayn

"We should look after her" said Steven

They all nodded. In her room, Victoria just lied in her queen size bed. She looked up at the ceiling.

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