Chapter 5

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It's only been a week an every night Dexter comes to visit Victoria who blushes and enjoys his company and her parents along with her siblings have been noticing her smile more lately. Now Friday morning as usually Emily got out the car and Dexter smiles at Victoria which she just looks away.

Dexter's POV

And there she is again, waiting for Emily. She's cute and I love talking to her for the past week it's interesting and I get to know her more and more. Did you you she loves puppies but cant get one, she wont say why. she also told me that Emily is like another sister she never had.

I wont ruin their friendship, why would I? Heck she's so gentle yet  I Haven't should her my eyes which she wonders about. I smile at her and she looks away, blushing. Gosh she's adorable when she does that . 

I wish I could just cuddle her tiny self into me mmm Tiny? I think i should call her that one day

Emily's POV

I don't know what's going on inside my brothers mind which bothers me but i hope he stops. Victoria is my best friend and I don't want him hurting her . Although i know he wont but still . I don't want to see her sad, she's too much of a flower and I don't want her petals to fall like that bastard CODY did to her .

I'm just glad  her siblings sorted  THAT problem out. Victoria is a flower that i still see blooming everyday and even though this year is my last year, I want to see her bloom brighter than any flower this year .

Just hope he knows that I'LL brake his balls if he ever hurts my little flower, too much right?

Writer's POV

" Leave my friend alone Dexter" said Emily

"I did nothing Emily" 

Emily held Victoria's hand and they left . Zeke, Steven, Amber and Zayn stared at Dexter

"What you four ?" Dexter asks them

"Stay away from our sister " said Zeke

"Or what Zeke ?"

"Look I don't know how you know our sister or any of us but you need to stay away from us"

"Sure I will" then the car drove off

"You should stay away from Dexter"  said Crystal, they faced her " Dexter is dangerous"

"So what does he want with our sister ?" asked Zayn

"Ask your sister Fuck boy "

"Still dont like the name "

" See you in class Fuck boy" 

She walked to class while Elena glared at her then smiled at Zayn

"Well Crystal was right with one thing Zaynybo stay away from Dexter his bad news. And by the looks of it his going to take Victoria as a target"

"Target for what?"

"To ... to change her"

"I  don't know you should ask Emily"

Then the bell rang and they headed to class. Zeke and Steven were Victoria's partner for science. She poured a little bit of the green liquid in the empty glass container. They were at back corner. 

Steven's POV

Here I am mind my own business and Victoria here pour a glass in our  bigger glass. And can i just say that sure usually Victoria thinks of music or talking to Emily later but now IT'S ALL DEXTER! 

Now you know that I'm a clam, humbling guy, I mind my own business but that Dexter is all over her mind, which drives me crazy. Plus being this close to her really suck cus now Dexter keeps popping up in her mind. 

You know having the ability to read minds is fun up if you cant control like your dad can then it's a really pain. Plus im not the only that cant

MY brothers too and dad serious needs to teach us to  control, I cant handle Vicky's mind anymore, when does school end ?

Writer's POV

"Do you know what that guy wants from you ?" asked Steven 

"I don't know what your talking about ?" replied Victoria in a whisper like him. 

Zeke carried on with the experiment

"That guy that always drops Emily off"

"Look I don't know what Dexter wants "

"You even know the guy name"

"Steven just leave me alone"

"Sis your the youngest out of all five of us, we're going to protect you"

Victoria's POV

I feel that energy again it's growing and I feel that urge to howl again. It hurts my stomach. Dexter's been helping control what he calls is Vixen . Apparently  it works cus I sleep peacefully but now my brothers are getting me mad and i don't want to hurt them  

I also don't remember much after so when I scratched Dexter the other night I couldn't believe it. He said it was fine and that he healed of course i did say sorry afterward.

He only smiled and told me it was fine but I couldn't really tell he had his glasses on as always and I only wish to see his eye...ouch the pain kills me inside

Writer's POV

"ARGH you just need to stay away from Dexter"  That surprised both Steven and Zeke " I.... mean just leave it"

They carried on with their experiment

Steven's POV

I tell you that something is wrong with Vicky and I think Zeke felt it too. Nothing really but for a moment just a second I felt her mind go silent, it that natural I don't know . And trust me when I say that I didn't do anything. Something in her mind just Stopped it really did and the worries me

Maybe I'll call dad 

Zeke's POV

I know for a fact Steven felt that like I did . Vicky's mind went blank all of a sudden and i don't like that. Although I also felt this rage in her voice that I've never heard before

I hope she's okay, I think I should call dad

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