Chapter 14

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Sombra's POV

I'm in the car with Victoria. Today is Friday and it's been a week since the accident of course that night I told her siblings what happened but I told them to give her time and they have.

Since that night we haven't talked and it worries me. We only have said hi, bye or night and morning but I'm giving her time to think. I don't want her to think I'm a bad dad and she's been good so I'll give her phone back. It has been a week.

So here I am driving to her school, she's been Quiet from all the rides I give to school and it scares although her thoughts are still loud. I stop the car since we're here and she still looks out the window.

She doesn't look at me either

"Victoria today's Friday and..."

"I know dad" Still cold to me, I see

"You can have you phone back after school, okay ?"

"Okay dad" She unbuckles her seat belt and I unlock the car "Bye dad"

"Bye Sweetie"

And with that she gets out the car and once she closes I drive off with a tear coming down my cheek. The thought of that event still coming back to me.

That thought still coming in my mind

That reason she was killing herself was because of me. I sniff and rapidly blink trying to stop my tears from falling.

I almost lost my baby girl and It's my fault

Victoria's POV

I've had a lot to think about this week and I've been spacing out because I still need space. I leave dad's car and I still need to apologize to him but. Everyone has left me to think, which is okay but I do miss talking to them especially Zeke.

I walk and Wait for Emily while I wait Dexter's facing me but I kept quiet. I haven't talked to him in a week but I just need to be in the right head space then I'll talk to him. Emily gets out and I walk with her to class.

I'm sorry everyone but I just need space

Writer's POV

"Zaynybo" said Elena "I have a gift for you "

She handed him a blue bag

"Thanks I actually have something for you"

"Yay!" He took out a medium white teddy bear and red bag "Happy V- day" She took out the gift and hugged him

Oh yes it's the day of Valentines for these teen

"Thank you"

"You wel..."She kissed him " Oh wow" She smiled "You have my lipstick on you" She whipped it off "There"


In English class Emily knocked on the door. The teacher sighed

"Hand them out Emily"

"Thank you sir"

Crystal's POV

HI there it's been a while. So let me tell you something that will blow your fucking mind..

Remember those Flowers Steven got earlier, yeah that was me.

Funny enough I'm a hopeless romantic and a few days ago I finally told him, which he was shocked like as in this week ass.

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