Ch. 9

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With being able to do nothing else for Sir Ewan til they can get the antidote, (Y/n) went ahead and checked on the tournament and see who would move on to the final round. Since the attack won't happen until night she was fine leaving the knight by himself. She already knew that Valiant would win but it'd be nice to see the others try to fight for victory. Knowing that Gaius wouldn't ask for her assistance she moved to sit in an open seat in the stands, wanting a good view of the fighting.

"Oh hello (Y/n)"

The (h/c) girl apparently took he seat next to Guinevere and Morgana.

She greeted the two with a smile, "hi Gwen, Mi'lady" she pretended to tip a hat at the lady of waiting, but just confused the two with her action.

"Watching the tournament are we?" Morgana asked her as she shrugged off the previous action.

(Y/n) nodded her head, "the knight Ewan is in stable conditions so I was able to come out here to watch the fight" she lied about his conditions so they wouldn't have to worry, but why would they have too it's not like they know him.

Morgana nodded, "that's good, I would hate to see a good man die just from a silly little tournament" she commented as she moved herself for look at the field in front of them.

'Gaaaah why did you have to be evil at the end!?' (Y/n) mentally cried as she also looked to the field, "who's the first fighters?"

Guinevere was the one to answer this time, "it's a knight from the kingdom Riverling and one from the kingdom Tiefling, didn't know of such kingdoms"

"Both sound like interesting kingdoms, must visit them one day if I don't forget" (Y/n) talked to herself.

As the girls watched the fights, Merlin was keeping an eye on Valiant and Arthur. Since she couldn't mess with the plot severely, (Y/n) had to leave all the sneaking to the teen.

"You think Arthur is going to win?" (Y/n) asked to help pass the time.

Guinevere smiled, "of course, he is the raining champion"

"I don't know, Sir Valiant seems cocky that he's going to win the tournament" Morgana chimed in.

The (h/c) girl looked over at the lady in waiting, "really? He does give me cocky vibes not gonna lie" Both of the girls looked at her with confused expressions. It took (Y/n) a minute to realized why they were giving her those looks, "his aura around him is screaming it, sorry forgot people in the city don't know village vocabulary" she apologized as she smacked herself for the lame excuse.

"You can see auras?" Guinevere asked her.

'I've dug myself a grave' (Y/n) shook her head, "when I mean aura I mean the feeling he gives off to others" she explained herself.

Morgana nodded her head, "ah I see, so it's easy for you to tell who has good or bad intentions?"

She shrugged, "sometimes, but sometimes I'm wrong and make a fool out of myself"

"What are do our auras tell you?" Guinevere asked intrigued.

(Y/n) pretended to think as she looked at each of them, 'time to pull something out of my butt' she thought as she lowered her hand. She pointed toward Guinevere, "Gwen, your aura gives me of someone that's kind and will go out of your way to help someone, but you gotta look out for that as well" she explained to the brown haired girl. She than pointed toward Morgana, "Morgana, your aura gives me someone who has passion and will do whatever you think is right, even if you're the only one who thinks that"

Morgana and Guinevere both thought over what the (h/c) girl had just said to them. A look of aw slowly appeared on both of their faces as they looked at each other.

"Those do sound like my ideals, amazing how you caught on to that" Morgana complimented the girl.

Guinevere nodded her head, "how accurate you are is beyond me, a bit scary"

(Y/n) scratched her head, "sorry about that, but can we keep this to ourselves? I don't want Uther thinking I'm a witch or something" she asked them as she lowered her hand, 'it always work when the main character ask that in a crowd, maybe I can use the same magic'

Morgana nodded her head, "you have my word"

"Mine too" Guinevere chimed in with her smile.

(Y/n) mentally sighed as the three of them moved their attention back to the tournament.

~Lil Time Skip to the Night~

(Y/n) had made it back to Ewan's side and kept a guard out for any rogue snakes. Gaius was looking through a book from besides her, she leaned over slightly to try to see what he was reading, "whatcha reading?" She asked him.

Gaius looked up from the book and gave her a glance before showing her the book, "I am trying to find a way to heal Sir Ewan, so far I have discovered that if we can managed to get one of the snake's head than we can create an antidote with it's venom" he explained to the (h/c) girl.

'Dang he just repeated what I said but made it better' she thought as she nodded to what he said, "how are we going to get the head of Valiant keeps the shield with him in his room?" She asked him as she leaned back from him.

"Uther is holding a banquet for the remaining contestants, he'll be busy so it'll be the perfect time to take a look at his shield"

"I'm not doing it so where it Merlin?"

As soon as those words left (Y/n)'s mouth the teen walked into the physician's counters. He looked a the two as they both turned to look at who entered the room.

"What is it?" Merlin asked the two as he walked over to them.

Gaius lowered the book onto the table, "(Y/n) mentioned earlier that Sir Ewan needed an antidote, and I have figured out we will need the same snake that bit him"

Merlin tilted his head, "but the only snake we know of is from Valiant's shield"

"Exactly Watson, that's why you're gonna get the head for us" (Y/n) said as she placed her hands on her hips.


(Y/n) nodded her head as she moved from beside Gaius to over to Merlin, she started pushing him towards the door, "when Valiant is at the little dinner thing with Uther you can sneak in and get the head!" She said as she gave him a good shove.

Merlin stumbled a bit as he turned around and looked at the girl with a confused look, "whoa hold up le-"

"See ya Merlin!" (Y/n) pushed him one more time before closing the door behind him. She turned around and smiled to herself before walking back to Gaius.

Who rose an eyebrow at the whole interaction, "was that necessary?"

She nodded, "it's better if he asked less questions so we can hurry along, am I right?"

"I guess, in the mean time we can get a bottle ready for when he gets back"

(Y/n) nodded as she went ahead and started looking for a unused glass bottle amongst the horde of glass and bottles.

I'm in The Show!?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon