Ch. 31

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Mordred was left to Morgana in her chambers as he had looked like he was going to fall asleep. (Y/n) and Merlin excused themselves as they head back to the physician's quarters, (Y/n)'s cloak flying behind her as they walked.

"That boy is not normal (Y/n), it's dangerous to have him here" Merlin whispered to her.

She shook her head ever so slightly, "he just felt his father figure get killed, it's not his fault in having that reaction, yes it's bad it happened with Morgana and Guinevere in the room but we're lucky they're a little slow"

"Even then, if Uther finds the boy then he'll figure out that the four of us were involved with him" he argued with her as they turned to take the steps down.

She held her hand alongside the wall to keep her balance on the stairs, "that's why we stay quiet and figure a way to get him out of the castle before that happens"

Getting to their destination, they see that the older guy they were looking for was there. (Y/n) untied her cloak as Merlin walked over to him.

Gaius turned to give his attention to him, "ah Merlin, good to see you" he greeted him.

"Yea good when an execution just happened" (Y/n) commented as she folded her cloak and placed it over a chair.

"Good to see you too (Y/n)" Gaius greeted her when he heard her side comment.

With a slight nod, Merlin looked to Gaius, "Gaius, who are the Druids?" He went straight to asking him the big question.

The physician's eyes widen, "why are you interested in the Druids exactly?"

"It was a Druid that got executed, why?"

He licked his lips lightly, "the Druids are those who possess powerful magic, because of this Uther fears them"

"So only because he fears their power he kills them?" Merlin asked him

He nodded, "he has a history with the Druids, a reason for his hatred of magic"

"But children? Only sociopaths go after children Gaius" (Y/n) commented in the conversation.

Gaius turned his head to look at her, an eyebrow raised as he noticed this conversation means more then he thought. He looked back to Merlin, "why are you asking about the Druids exactly?"

Merlin's lips turned into a line for a second as he figured out a how to answer the question without spilling the truth.

"Merlin" Gaius used his stern voice to try to get an answer out of him.

He sighed, "the Druid's accomplice? He's a child, and I heard him speak in my mind"

'Keeping it to myself that I also heard him' (Y/n) thought to herself as she drank from a cup with water she had poured for herself.

"He called me Ermys, like he knew who I was Gaius"

"Merlin" the old men said his name, "whoever this child is, he must be taken out of the castle before Uther finds out"

The raven haired boy gave a light sigh before saying, "but the name, why was he calling me Emrys?"

"Emrys is a Druid name, it's what they know you as"

The two gentlemen turned to look at (Y/n), who was taking interest in spinning the water in her cup.

She looked at them without moving her head up, "that's all I'm saying on the subject, you'll find out more later in life" she told them before taking another sip from her cup.

"So the Druids know me? Makes sense on how he called for me like I could do something for him" Merlin said as he turned back to face Gaius, "but why was a child with the Druid?"

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