Ch. 37

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"Why are you wearing that?" Merlin asked the (h/c) haired girl as he noticed she was wearing a piece of clothe around her face.

She adjusted it over her nose, "I'm not trying to sneeze or even get dust in my lungs when we go in there"

He raised an eyebrow, "so your covering your nose?"

"You wear it when cleaning or smoke, pretend this is something like that" she told him as they approached their destination.

The archives.

Merlin was the one to open the door and let the two of them inside. (Y/n) was kind enough to wave at the librarian, Geoffrey of Monmouth, as they approached him.

"Morning" Merlin greeted him.

Geoffrey looked up from the thick book he was reading, "morning" he greeted back.

Merlin went straight to business and asked, "do you happen to have any books on magical weapons?"

(Y/n) and Geoffrey looked at the raven haired boy with different expressions on their face, the older men had a raised eyebrow while the young girl looked at him with a blank face.

"Why are you looking for such a thing?" Geoffrey asked him.

The boy looked to the girl standing next to him before looking back at the older men, "maybe something in there could help Arthur out in his fight" he said with a slight shrug.

A sigh came from the older men as he closed his eyes, probably rolling his eyes, "let me see if I can find anything on that matter" he placed his hands on the desk and lifted himself out of his chair. The two watched him walk away to one of the bookshelves.

A sigh escaped from (Y/n), "how are you so adorable but so stupid at the same time" she commented out loud.

"What?" Merlin looked at her confused.

She turned to look at him, "that was the best thing you could come up with?"

"I wasn't expecting him to ask me that"

"But for Arthur? You just admitted to the men that you want to help Arthur cheat"

He rolled his eyes, "it's helping us get what we need to defeat the Wraith"

"Ah, here it is" Geoffrey's voice caught both of their attention as they looked away from each other to him.

He walked toward them with a small book, "this is the only item in here that tells of any magical weapons" he placed the book onto the table while the two moved over.

Merlin took a seat while (Y/n) and Geoffrey stood on either side of him.

"Do you know what it says in it?" The (h/c) haired girl asked him as she tried reading the words, but it was hurting her eyes to attempt to read the ancient looking writing.

Geoffrey turned to face her before back down at the book, "there is a short passage of how there  there was once a weapon forged by a dragon's breathe for one Sir Marhaus, but it is a very rare thing and not very creditable so I wouldn't trust that" he told them before turning to walk back to his desk.

The raven haired boy's eyes were furrowed as he looked at the pages, taking in the words of the keepers. His eyes slowly widen as he realized how he could get his hands on a magical sword. He stood up from the bench and walked away, "thanks for the help!" He rushed out of the room.

(Y/n) looked at him as he ran away before turning back away to close the book, "uh thanks Geoffrey!" She thanked him before rushing out herself.

Merlin led the girl out of the castle and into the upper village, he rushed them toward the blacksmith's house of Guinevere's father. Merlin was actually the one to knock on the door to get someone's attention from inside.

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