Ch. 36

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Knowing the black-clad knight was now a creature of magic, (Y/n) decided to stay for the second duel to see the work of it herself. Merlin informed her that Sir Owaine had been slain in the duel yesterday, which didn't surprise her but she faked a light gasp and a shock look on her face. She sat next to Merlin and Guinevere as Sir Pellinore and what used to be Tristan stood in front of each other.

Uther stood from his throne-like seat, gaining everyone's attention "this duel to the death shall commence!" He announced before sitting back down.

Pellinore was the first to move in for an attack, he raised his sword with both of his hands and swung at him. But it was easily blocked as 'Tristan' raised his own sword to take the blunt of his sword. Pellinore brought his sword back before going for a side attack, trying to use his speed to take down his opponent, but it was dodged. 'Tristan' used this chance to stab as the knight would be off balance, it would be dodged as well as Pellinore is a knight of Camelot for a reason. Said knight thought he could do the same tactic as he stabbed the black clad-knight in his side.

Guinevere leaned forward as her eyes widen, clearly seeing the attack that would kill the knight.

But 'Tristan' didn't react as Pellinore retracted his sword from his body, he stood there confused as he knew he did a deadly blow. 'Tristan' moved his sword and swung at Pellinore, managing to do a deep slash on his chest. The knight fell back as he grabbed his chest, the crowd gasped as they watched him fall to the ground in pain. They then watched as the black-clad knight walk over him, raise his sword in the air, then strike down.

Killing Pellinore where he laid.

A loud gasp rippled across the crowd as they had expected the knight Pellinore to win the fight.

'Tristan' retracted his sword from the still body and sheathed it into the scabbard. He turned his head and walked toward the royals of Camelot, going for Arthur to challenge him once again.

This being the second knight to be slain so easily, Arthur rushed out of his chair as he took his own gauntlet and threw it in front of the black-clad knight before his father could stop him.

"I challenge you myself! Tomorrow we shall fight til one of us is dead!" He announced his own challenge.

(Y/n) had to force herself to not roll her eyes, 'that already was the challenge you fry'

'Tristan' looked at Arthur for a moment before he nodding his head, accepting the challenge. He then turned his back to him and walked back to the spot where he's been standing for three nights now.

The crowd talked to each other as the event ended, Uther and Arthur were the first to leave as the king was obviously upset with the turn of events.

While getting out of the stands, Guinevere mentioned something to the two of them, "somethings not right"

"What do you mean?" Merlin asked.

She looked at him, "Sir Pellinore struck that knight, I saw him do it"

"He did?" (Y/n) tried her best to sound confused, hoping her bad acting would somehow come in her favor.

She nodded her head, "you must think I sound crazy but I assure you that he did strike him, the black knight should be the one dead" she said as she looked away to the dead body, that was now being carried away by two other knights.

The raven haired lad and (h/c) haired girl shared a quick look to one another, (Y/n) then gestured for him to do something.

Rolling his eyes, Merlin took a step toward Guinevere, "don't worry Guinevere, I'll tell Arthur of your worries of him"

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