Ch. 10

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"I got it! I got the head!" Merlin exclaimed as he rushed into the room.

Gaius and (Y/n) both stood up from their seats, the older one holding the bottle in his hand.

"Quick give it to me" Gaius said as he held an empty hand out to him.

Merlin instantly handed the snake head to Gaius as he wiped his hands on his pants. The physician used his fingers and moved the snake's mouth open, he than pierce the clothe that was tighten over the glass. The venom started dropping a few seconds after piercing the clothe.

(Y/n) fisted bumped the air, "now we can save Ewan!" She cheered with a smile.

Gaius released a sigh of relief as he turned to look at Merlin with a small smile, "good job Merlin" The boy smiled at the compliment as the old man's focus went back to the jar.

(Y/n) walked over to Merlin and gave him hug, "way a go Merlin, you did great" she praised him with a big smile.

Merlin looked at the (h/c) as she released him from her hug, "you're giving me too much praise, I just got the snake's head, surely you would've done so in the same manner"

"Heck to the nah, I might like snakes but not enough to get close to a poisonous one" she informed him with a shake of her head.

He chuckled before messing up the top of her head, "yeah right, I remember you calling for me to get rid of a snake when we were kids, you were crying till it was moved away" Merlin recalled, causing the girl to raise an eyebrow.

'Were we childhood friends? Even so why would Merlin! Me be afraid of snakes when I like snakes?' (Y/n) thought as the boy moved from her and went over to Gaius.

"I'm going to tell Arthur about Valiant" Merlin told him.

Gaius looked from the bottle to the boy, he than nodded his head, "it would be wise, once the antidote is applied to Sir Ewan he should be able to tell us what exactly happened in the duel"

The black haired teen nodded before turning around and headed out of the room, leaving (Y/n) and Gaius alone once again.

The (h/c) girl shook out of her thoughts before going over to Gaius. She looked at the venom filled jar with curiosity, "where do we start?" She asked as she moved her attention to the older male.

"We start on breaking it down and go from there" Gaius said to her as he removed the snake's head from the jar, heading it off to the girl, "put this where it won't disappeared, might need it for later"

(Y/n) grabbed the head and looked at it in disgust, "this is so nasty" she commented as she moved from the long table and put it on the short table behind them.

~Time Skip~

Gaius administrated the antidote to Ewan an hour ago, the two have been standing near him in case he woke up at any moment. Merlin had told Arthur about Valiant's usage of magic, and somehow the prince agreed to tell his father once Ewan awakens.

"This was faster in the show" (Y/n) muttered as she sat in a chair beside Ewan's sleeping body.

As she closed her eyes to stretch her body in the chair, Ewan start to shuffle a bit on the bed. Gaius quickly moved to Ewan's side, pushed (Y/n) since she didn't notice but she mentally cursed before seeing what was going on in front of her.

"He's waking!" She exclaimed, but was shushed by Gaius.

"Wh..What's happening?" Ewan questioned as he opened his eyes, he tried to sit up but Gaius held him down by his shoulders.

"Don't move, the poison is still inside you" he warned him as the knight laid back down.

(Y/n) stood up from the chair and stood a bit behind Gaius, "do you remember anything from your duel with Valiant?" She asked him.

He moved him attention from the physician and to the assistant, he looked away as he nodded his head, "it sounds unusual but when Valiant had me pin down, he whispered something than serpents emerged from his shield and attacked me"

A hum came from Gaius as he stood up, he turned to look at (Y/n) before back at Ewan, "Prince Arthur has been informed about Sir Valiant's actions, the King would like to talk to you once you recover" he informed him.

Ewan nodded his head as he laid his head back.

The older male moved from the bed and started walking to the door, "I'm going to inform Uther about Ewan's awakening, I'll be back in a minute" he told the girl as he grabbed the door.

"I'll make sure he stays healthy" (Y/n) said after him as he closed the door behind him. The smile on her face quickly vanished as she put her guard up, "time to fight off a snake"

The (h/c) girl walked over and grabbed the broom that was leaning against by the window, she moved herself over to Ewan as she looked to the rafters.

"Leave the room"

(Y/n) jumped as she heard a disembodied voice, she held the broom out in defense as she spun around, "who's there?"

"The knight Ewan must die"

She shook her head, "he's not going to die, I'm going to stop that snake before it gets to him" she protested the disembodied voice.

"It is fate that he dies, he dies for Albion"

"Shut up I don't care, Ewan is a good man and I can't watch him die again"

"You can't stop it"

"Who even ar-"

"Aaaah!" Ewan's scream snapped the girl out of the trance she was in.

She snapped her head to the knight just to see the snake biting him on his neck, "NO!" She screamed as she hit the serpent with the broom, successfully knocking it off as it lands on the floor. She dropped the broom as she rushed to Ewan's side, "no no no!" She repeated herself as she looked around for something that could help the withering knight.

"You can't change destiny"

The disembodied voice said to the girl as she watched the knight take his final breath, his chest fell to a still as the light in his eyes disappeared.

Tears started to swell in her eyes, "I'm so sorry Ewan" she apologized to the lifeless body as she closed her eyes, the tears slipping passed her eyes.

The door to the room opened before a loud gasped was heard, footsteps were heard rushing over to the two before (Y/n) felt a hand on her back. She lifted her head to see Gaius standing over her.

"What happened?" He asked in a soft voice as he saw the state the girl was in.

She's booked her head as she looked to the ground, "the antidote didn't work" she spoke the lie quietly.

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