Ch. 18

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(Y/n) rested her body against the wall that is shared between the two, her head rested on her knees as she hugged them. Arthur leaned against the same wall as he had a knee bent and one stretched in front of him, his hand opened as he looked the broken leaves in his palm.

"Stupid Uther not caring about Merlin, what a king he is" (Y/n) talked to nobody as she lifted her head to wipe her face, getting rid of the tear trails that had shown up.

"You know he's my father right?" Arthur asked her as he heard the sarcastic comment she had made.

She huffed as she stretched out her legs, "he clearly shows he doesn't care about anyone but you Arthur, what do you expect me to say?" She asked him with roll of her eyes as she tried to keep her anger inside.

He went to open his mouth to reply, but he had a feeling that nothing was going to change her mind on his father. He moved his attention to the wall in front of him till he heard footsteps making their way to them.

"I have brought the prince his food" a familiar voice gains both of their attention. Both Arthur and (Y/n) got to their feet as they looked to see Guinevere holding a tray of food.

"Gwen!" (Y/n) called out to her, a smile on her face to see their savoir in front of them.

A guard unlocked Arthur's cell as they allowed the servant girl to walk in with his food.

"I don't want any of it" Arthur told her as he moved as she walked in.

She placed the tray onto the concrete bed, "you must eat sire" she said to him as she moved back.

He shook his head as he moved to the food, grabbing the roll than throwing it back onto the plate, "I'm not eating anything if my father thinks he can treat me like this!" He yelled as he moved back away from the tray.

Knowing he won't eat, Guinevere moved to pick up the tray and moved out of the cell. The guard locked the cell as Guinevere moved to leave the dungeon, said guard following her out.

"Wait so I not get food?" (Y/n) called out to the brown haired girl as she leaned her face toward the bars a bit.

Arthur rolled his eyes, "she was only down here to make a move to save Merlin you idiot"

She tch'd as she moved herself from the bars, "dude I know, gotta make it look believable for the guards" she told him as she crossed her arms, pretending the prince was in front of her to see her reaction.

"Nice to know the short stack has a brain"

"You're like two inches taller than me you ja-"

~Time Skip to Morning~

Arthur and (Y/n) were finally released from their cell once sunlight had risen, Arthur was escorted to wherever Uther was while the (h/c) haired girl was free to go check on Merlin. She ran through the halls as she made her way to the physician ward, panting she swung the door opened harshly as she made her way in.

Merlin looked up to her from his bowl, a thin blanket on his shoulders as he was about to sit down to eat. He placed the bowl on the table as he went to greet the girl, but was stopped as he was harshly pulled into a hug by said girl.

"Tell me you're alright" she whispered to him as she tighten her grip on his clothes, her face in his neck.

Understanding how scared she was of losing him, a small smile appeared on his face as he returned the gesture, "I'm alright" he assured to her as he placed a comforting hand on her back.

"That's all I care about" she said as she felt a smile show up on her face as she loosened her grip on him slightly.

The position the two were in made it questionable of their relationship together if seen by anyone, but neither knew nor cared as they were having a moment. One side was calming down from the rush she had before from not knowing his condition while the other was glad she alright from the journey he was told about.

Once realizing how long they were hugging, (Y/n) was the first to move out of the hug. A sigh of relief escaping her mouth as she turned to look at his face, "I'm glad, had a lot of trouble getting that flower"

"Guinevere told me, said you were in the dungeon with Arthur for disobeying him" Merlin said as he sat down at the table.

She rolled her eyes, "I was just an accomplice in the whole matter, but I did help save Arthur from Nimueh" she said as she took a seat next to him.

"Nimueh?" Merlin raised an eyebrow as he held a spoon in his hand.

(Y/n) made a waving motion with her hand, "Gaius will tell you more on her after Arthur visits" she lowered her arm as she than stretched them above her head, a satisfying pop came out as Gaius walked out of their shared room.

"(Y/n), glad to see you fresh out of the dungeons" Gaius said to the (h/c) haired girl as he made his way to the duo.

She nodded after lowering her arm, "it was brutal Gaius, didn't even get a good nap while down there" she told him as she shook her head slightly before she pushed herself into standing.

"It is nice to see you survive the journey, how was it?" Gaius asked her as she walked over to him.

She scratched her face, "wasn't bad til Nimueh decided to try and kill me" she replied with that as her arm lowered.

Gaius' eyes widen at the mention of the name, "she tried to kill you?" He asked in a worried tone.

She nodded, "only because she didn't know me, but now she does and that makes me a target" she said before a yawn escaped her mouth. Covering the rest of it, she moved passed the older gentleman as she gave him a pat on his shoulder, "make sure to explain who that is to Merlin, I'll be taking a nap" she told him before making her way to the shared bedroom.

Gaius turned to look at the retreating girl before the door opened to reveal a slight worried Arthur, 'her visions may be worse than I thought'

~To Be Continued...Maybe~

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