Ch. 28

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The next had arrived and (Y/n) had a feeling it was going to be a rough one for the main characters, and she doesn't know how to involve herself in it since she can't make good excuses on the spot. So what does the (h/c) haired girl to make use of the day?

Sleeping in til mid day.

Feeling refreshed, (Y/n) decided to work on her staff for the day. With the trees gown to giant's height, she is sure that there will be a stick to her liking. Dressed in her normal attire, she makes her way out of the bedroom and out of the quarters.

"Guessing it's a me day, honestly kinda weird on how Gaius didn't try to wake me up" (Y/n) talked to herself as she walked down the multiple stairs before even getting to the doors that led outside. She was greeted with the sun immediately getting in her eyes, making her blind for a minute.

Her hands quickly moving to cover her eyes, "god dammit! I didn't sign up for sun rays destroying my eyeballs!" She shouted as she was annoyed she'll be seeing that a light spot for a while.

The passerbys in the court yard gave the girl looks as some were annoyed while others were confused by the way she spoke. She didn't care as after she had gain her vision back, she continued to make her way to the forest next to the castle.

"The question is, do I get a big stick and carve it or small sticks and combined them into a big stick?" She asked out loud as she entered the forests. Knowing that there will be more bigger sticks deeper in, she walked in further as she scanned the area.

"I should check out the log Merlin brought down on those thieves, see if any more fell with it" she nodded to herself before making her way to the failed hunting area with the faintest of memory of how they got there.


The faint sound of talking was heard as (Y/n) walked, she looks around to see if anyone was around.

She lowered herself to the ground slightly as she fears there might be more thieves in the forest, "I'm not in the mood for a mugging, but I also have to pull the 'stupid move' and see who's there" she talked quietly to herself before groaning, hating the curiosity that was beginning to show itself.


Following the sound, (Y/n) slowly made her way to the source. Knowing that she will have to be on the quiet side, she stared down at the ground to make sure she avoid sticks and stays hiding behind the trees.

"...what about the Prince of Camelot?" A somewhat familiar voice was heard speaking to someone.

Moving to hide behind a somewhat convient thick tree, (Y/n) slowly peers behind it to see who was the source. Her eyes looked confused as she saw Aulfric standing at a lake, what looked like a bunch of fireflies on crack flying all over the place.

'How is this possible? It's only the second day of their stay, why is he already at the lake?' She thought to herself as she continued to watch the old men talk to the cracked out bugs. 'I can't see anything, why can't I have auto-magic like Merlin' her eyebrows wrinkled as she tried to see what was suppose to look like fairies, but nothing was working.

A soft crunch caught the girl's attention, she was quick to turn her head around, only to see Merlin duck behind his tree. Her eyes widen as she realized that if she heard it, Aulfric could've heard it. (Y/n) placed a hand over her mouth unconsciously as she leaned into the tree, worried that she could be seen.

Aulfric turned slightly as he looked to the ground, focusing on hearing if there was anything or anyone watching him.


"Of course" Aulfric turned back to the lake, "long as my daughter can go, I do not care what happens to me" he said with a nod of respect to the fairies.

After that, the glow of the fairies slowly started to disappear from the girl's sight. And the old men started to make his way back to the castle, needing to act like he didn't just schemed to get rid of the prince.

When Aulfric was out of sight, (Y/n) pushed herself from the tree and ran to where she saw Merlin.

"Merlin!" She called out his name.

What sounded like a yelp came from the raven haired lad as the girl had scared him. His eyes widen in shock as he saw her, "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" He asked her in a somewhat hushed tone.

She waved her hands, "who cares, what I want to know is why are the two of you here so early?" She asked him, not realizing her question doesn't make that much sense to him.

"Early? I didn't plan to be here, well I did since I followed Aulfric but that wasn't planned" he answered back.

"This was suppose to happen on their third day, meaning the plot is happening faster then it should be and that confuses me on how that is possible to begin with" (Y/n) rambled a bit as she was getting scared at the pace of the episode, meaning things will be unexpected then they should be.

He looked at her confused, "third day? Plot? What are you talking about (Y/n), you're not making any sense"

She shook her head, "my visions aren't making a lick of sense, I'm being lied too" she muttered the end but as she ran a hand through her hair.

A hand is placed on her shoulder, making her jump a bit as she wasn't expecting to be touched. She moved her attention to Merlin, the owner of the hand.

"Calm down (n/n), let's get back to Gaius and figure out what is happening back at the castle" the raven haired lad said to her in a calming tone.

She nodded her head as she took in a deep breath before releasing it, "alright, I can figure out my staff another day"

Merlin rolled his eyes slightly as he dropped his hand from her shoulder, "still on that nonsense I see"

"It's going to happen Merlin, it's just a matter of time"

When they had gotten back to the castle, they had found Gaius and told him everything the two of them heard. Mostly Merlin as he somehow was able to understand the fairies as (Y/n) only heard Aulfric talk.

A hum escaped the old men as he took in everything they had said, "I feared that the two are not what they seem" was the response he had given them.

"Was it the fairies that got you to that point?" (Y/n) asked a bit rude, causing end to get kicked in the shin. She glared at the raven haired lad in front of her as she rubbed her leg under the table.

Gaius gave her a pointed look before continuing, "I had gone into Aulfric's room and discovered his staff, on it are Ogham runes"

"Ogham runes?" Merlin asked.

He nodded, "it's a special type of magic that only the Sidhe can use, those 'fairies' the two of you have seen may have the Sidhe"

(Y/n)'s eyes widen as she quickly pointed at him, "the gates of Avalon, that is where the Sidhe stay correct?"

The old men's eyes widen, "you've seen the gates of Avalon?" He asked the two.

She shook her head, "apparently my magic isn't strong enough to work alone, only Merlin got to see it"

The lad looked at her, "how did you know I saw it?"

She pointed at her eyes, "what's the only thing I provide to the table?" She asked in a sarcastic manner.

He rolled his eyes at her before turning back to Gaius, "are the Sidhe dangerous?"

"Very" Gaius nodded his head as he said that, "we must stop them before they can succeed with their plan"

There was a knock on the door that caught all their attention, the door opened to Guinevere who had a slight panic look to her face.

(Y/n) was the first to stand up from the table as she rushed over to her, "Guinevere, what's wrong?"

"It's Arthur" the name brought everyone into a scare, "he wants marry Sophia"

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