Chapter 23

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It's been a week since Lauren had left for Carrollton and everyday, Camila missed her girlfriend's presence. Sure, they hung out after school, but they'd only have a few hours and Camila wanted more time.

Since Lauren left, Camila went back to being her quiet self. Not talking unless needed and she went back to playing her emotions out on the piano in the music room.

"Mila, this is not healthy," Dinah said.

"Funny, that's what Lauren said," Camila said as she picked on her food.

"You're acting as if you two broke up," Dinah pointed out.

"I miss her."

"I know you do but acting this way when she's gone is not good. Besides, weren't you the one who encouraged her to go in the first place?"

"Don't remind me. I regret I ever said that," Camila said as she buried her head in her hands, "I just... I don't want to keep her from anything. So I let her go."

"You're an idiot," Dinah said.

"So I have heard," Camila said. Camila stood up as she excused herself. She walked out of the cafeteria.


Days, weeks passed by and Camila could feel the strain in their relationship. Lauren was busy with school while Camila was busy with her school work. Since Lauren had joined the softball team again, they rarely have time. Their relationship consisted of a few texts and calls every now and then. Camila missed her desperately. The thought of her drifting away from that dark haired green eyed girl she loved with her entire being scared her.

"Hey beautiful," Lauren said on the other line as she answered the phone.

"Hi," Camila said. She felt a lump in her throat as her voice cracked.

"Camz, what's wrong?"


"You don't have to lie to me, Camz," Lauren said, "What's wrong?"

"I missed you. I missed your voice. Your touch. Your eyes. I missed you. And knowing that I... That I can't see you, kinda hurts," Camila said.

"I miss you too, Camz. So much," she said.


"But now's not a good time," Lauren said.

"When is, Lauren? When's a good time for you?"

"Listen, Camila-"

"No, Lauren, you listen," Camila cut her off, "I'm trying. I'm trying so hard to make this work but I can't be the only person trying. You have to meet me halfway," Camila said.

"I know," Lauren said, her voice betraying her.

"Then why are you pulling away?"

"There's... There's somethings I have to take care of first. I'm fine but I have to do this alone. I'm sorry," Lauren said.


"I love you, Camz," she said, "So much."

"I love you too, Lolo," Camila said as a teardrop fell. Then the line went dead.



"Huh?" Camila asked as she looked away from the window. She looked around and everyone in the class was looking at her. Camila looked up and saw Miss Lovato looking at her.

"Could you see me after class?"

Camila nodded.

After class, Camila stood up and walked towards her English teacher's desk.

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