Chapter 8

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Lauren shut her eyes as she took a deep breath. She opened them and gave Austin an annoyed look.


"I need your help."

"No," Lauren said as she shut her locker door and began walking away.

Austin chased after her.

"But you don't even know what I'm about to say," Austin said.

"You want me to help you with your date with Camila this Friday," Lauren said, "My answer is no."

"Why not? You promised that you'd help!"

Lauren stopped in her tracks and faced him, "Let me make this clear to you, Mahone. I made no such promise, you hear me? I only agreed. To some extent. I'm not the one going on a date with her," she said bitterly.

"But if you were, what'd you do?"

"Are you freaking serious right now?"

"Please, Lauren. I'm begging you. This date has to go smoothly."

"Fine. You owe me. Big time," Lauren said.

"Great! We'll talk at lunch," Austin said before he ran off. Lauren rolled her eyes before she headed to the back entrance of the school.


She took out a cigarette and placed it in her mouth as she lit it up. She took a big puff before she took the cigarette out and exhaled out the smoke. Lauren jumped when she saw the door opened.



"You still smoke?"

"I tried to stop but I can't bring myself to," Lauren said honestly.

Camila walked up to her, took the cigarette away from her and tossed it onto the ground.

"There. Step one, done," Camila said.

Lauren smiled as she stepped on the bud to put out the fire. Lauren looked at Camila and met her gaze.

"What are you doing here, Camila?"

"I needed some air."

Lauren smirked, "Liar."

"Am I that obvious?"

Lauren shrugged.

"I came to find you."


"You weren't in class."

Lauren looked at her as her smirk faded. She felt her heart flutter as she blinked. She was surprised. Surprised that a girl that she had known for a week cared more than the people in her life that had known her for years. Lauren gave her a smile.

Camila extended a hand towards her with a smile on her face. Lauren was a little hesitant but she took it anyways. She felt Camila interlock their fingers together as she opened the door with her free hand as she led the older girl to her class.


Lauren sat alone as always during lunch. She had her earbuds in and was listening to music as she read. No one dared to approach her because Lauren would give anyone who comes near her a death glare and they'd run away. Lauren didn't like being alone but she had gotten used to it. She felt the table shake. She looked up and saw that Austin had joined her.


Lauren ignored him as she cranked up the volume and continued reading. Austin frowned. He ripped out a piece of paper from his notepad and scrunched it up before he threw it at Lauren's direction. The paper ball hit Lauren's book. She brought it down and gave him an annoyed glare before she raised her book and ignored him again.

Austin let out an annoyed huff. He reached out and yanked the earbud out of her ear. Lauren dropped her book and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and brought him closer.

"What the fuck, Mahone?!"

"You're ignoring me," Austin said, "How else was I supposed to get your attention?"

Lauren gritted her teeth as she let him go with a push. She sat back down and glared at him.

"What do you want?"

"Could you follow me on the date but.. Like a shadow?"

"Fuck no."

"Why not?"

"Are you seriously hearing yourself? You know how fuckin stupid that sounds?" Lauren asked.

"If you are so worried about the date, why don't you go talk to her?"

"I can't."

"So you're gonna ignore her? And then what? Friday comes around, you're a gentleman, you give her a good time. Then what? A few more dates then you dump her and chase some other girl," Lauren said.

"I'm not the same person, Lauren. I really like Camila," he said.

"Then prove it," Lauren said as she stood up with her book and backpack before walking away.


"Hey Lauren?"

Lauren looked up, annoyed but then it quickly faded when she saw that it was Camila. Lauren greeted her back as Camila took a seat beside her. The two of them were sitting in the courtyard, under a tree. Lauren set her book down as she brought her knees and hugged them as she faced the young brunette.

"What's up?"

"Austin's like.. Your friend, right?"

"I wouldn't call him a friend," Lauren said with a scoff, "He's a pain in the ass."

"What about him?"

"Um.. I was wondering if you knew why he's ignoring me.."

"He's a wuss that's why. Got no balls," Lauren said as she dropped her legs and crossed them.

Camila let out a light giggle.

"Seriously, Camila, it's not you. He's just... He's stupid to not give you any attention," Lauren said.

"I wouldn't do that if I were him."

"What would you do?"

"I'd give you all my attention and ignore everyone else."

"Would you really?"

"I'm doing that right now. So why not?" Lauren said with a smile.

Camila looked away as she blushed.

"What else would you do?"

"I'd probably annoy you," she said as Camila laughed.

"I'd give you flowers, I'd treat you right, I'd call you beautiful-"

"You think I'm beautiful?"

Lauren blinked at her, "Who wouldn't?"

Lauren reached out and brushed a strain of hair away from Camila's face and tucked it behind her ear.

"Anyone would be crazy to not see that you are," Lauren said.

"I'd tell you that everyday, I'd tell everyone that you're mine, I'd probably do anything for you," Lauren added.

"But um, that's just what I'd do," she said quickly.

"Do you do this to every girl you date?"

Lauren smiled, "Well, I've never really had a girl to do all that, so no."

Camila raised her eyebrows, "You've never had a girlfriend?"

"Nope," Lauren shook her head.

"Is that all?"

"Not quite," Camila said as she pulled out her camcorder, "Could you repeat whatever you said into the camera?"

Lauren chuckled as she shook her head, "You're an ass," she said as she grabbed the camcorder and shut it off.

"Hey!" Camila exclaimed as she pouted.

"That's not going to work," Lauren said as she tossed the camcorder back.

"Meh, worth a shot," Camila said with a shrug.

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