Chapter 10

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"Um... What do you know exactly?"

"I know that you're helping Austin," Camila said.

"How?" Lauren asked as she raised her eyebrow curiously.

"Well, Austin did everything you would do."

"Such as?"

"He held my hand, he made the date convo entirely focused on me as if nothing else mattered, he did everything that made him seem out of character," Camila said, "I mean he ignores me for a whole week and then suddenly becomes a gentleman during the date? Who does that?"

Lauren shrugged as she sat on her bed as she watched the younger girl pace back and forth in Lauren's messy room. Lauren noticed that Camila frowned and she chewed her bottom lip as she started thinking. Lauren smiled. Camila stopped pacing as she looked at the older green eyed girl with a confused frown.


"You're cute," Lauren said with a bigger smile. She saw a hint of blush on Camila's cheeks before the younger girl turned away as she continued to pace.

"I don't actually get why you would help him-" Camila stopped in her tracks as she turned and looked at Lauren.


"Unless what?" Lauren asked with eyebrow raised.

"Unless you have feelings for me," Camila said quietly as if she didn't want Lauren to hear. Lauren's smile dropped from her face and was replaced with an unreadable expression. Her green eyes locked onto Camila's chocolate orbs.

"Say something," Camila said. The moment she said that, Lauren saw flashes in her mind. Lauren shut her eyes as she shook her head to clear her mind. She took a deep breath and looked at Camila.

"I don't have feelings for you, Camila," Lauren said with an unreadable expression.

"Oh... I'm sorry," Camila said as she looked down, embarrassed.

"Hey, it's fine," Lauren said.

"Um, I should go," Camila said after a moment.

"So soon?"

"Yeah, I just... I have to go," Camila said quickly as she made her way to the door. Lauren stood up and grabbed her wrist and that alone made the butterflies in Lauren's stomach to go crazy.

"You still owe me a day, remember? The project's due in a week," Lauren said.


"Tomorrow. 8 o'clock," Lauren said.

Camila smiled, "Tomorrow then," she said before moving away slowly. Their hands lingered for a moment before Camila pulled away and walked out of Lauren's room. The older girl didn't want to let her go but she knew that she had to or Camila would get suspicious. Lauren heard a creak. She turned and saw her sister, Taylor Jauregui, looking at her.

"You saw nothing," Lauren said. Taylor nodded before she headed back to her room.


Camila Cabello woke up to a light tapping noise. She realized that it was coming from the window. She got out of bed and walked towards it to find Lauren Jauregui throwing tiny pebbles. Camila opened the window and saw Lauren smile widely.

"Are you crazy, Jauregui?"

"You promised me a day, cupcake," Lauren reminded, "I'm here to collect."

"It's 7 am! You said 8 o'clock!"

"I lied," Lauren said with a shrug.

"Get your sweet ass down here, Cabello! Don't make me come up there and get you," Lauren said.

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