Chapter 22

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"Lauren! Camila!"

The two girls turned around and saw Austin running towards them.

"What's going on?"

"I know this guy... I think he may be able to help track down who posted the video and maybe take it down," Austin said.

"Do you want me to call him?"

Lauren shook her head, "No. It's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I just have to deal with it," she said with a shrug. Camila smiled proudly at her girlfriend as she took her hand and interlace their fingers together.

"Oh, okay then. If you change your mind, you know where to find me," Austin said before walking away.

Camila reached up and kissed Lauren's cheek.

"I'm proud of you, babe."

"Me too," Lauren said as she put her arm around her girlfriend and kissed her temple.


Lauren brought Camila's hand up as she kissed the back of her hand before she smiled widely at her girlfriend.


"Nothing. You just make me really happy," Lauren said.

"Awww," Camila said as she leaned in, "You make me happy too," she said as she kissed Lauren's lips.

Lauren pulled away and smiled. The two girls sat under their tree at the school's courtyard as they did their homework.

"Hey Lauren?"


"Can I ask you something personal?"

"Ask away," Lauren said, "I have nothing to hide from you."

"Um..." Camila looked at their hands as she started playing with Lauren's fingers.

"Have you ever... Um..."

"I think I know what you're asking," Lauren said.

"So.. Have you?"

"Yes," Lauren said.

"I was drunk and it just happened. I actually cried when I woke up," Lauren said as she looked down at their hands.

"It was... Horrible."

"I'm sorry," Camila said. Lauren looked up and gave her a smile.

"It's fine," Lauren said.

"Miss Jauregui?"

Camila and Lauren looked up and saw that Miss Lovato approaching them. The two girls greeted the teacher with a smile.

"I was hoping to find you here," the English teacher said.

"What's up?" Lauren asked.

"Mr Cowell's asking for you. You should go see him," Miss Lovato said.

"Is everything okay?" Camila asked worriedly.

Miss Lovato smiled, "Everything's fine, Miss Cabello. It's nothing bad, I promise. You're welcome to come with if you want," the teacher said.

Lauren exchanged a look with her girlfriend before she looked back at the teacher.


"Miss Jauregui, I'm sure you're wondering why I've called you here," said Mr Cowell.

"Miss Lovato said it wasn't anything bad," Lauren said in confusion.

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