Chapter 21

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When Lauren went to school the next day, she noticed that everyone was looking at her as she walked by them. She gave them her usual death glare but they just kept staring. She looked around and people had stopped walking and were looking at her.

"Don't you guys have something better to do than to stare at me?" Lauren asked but everyone stayed silent. Lauren stared to feel uncomfortable but she couldn't show them weakness. Instead, she grabbed the closest person by the collar and brought him closer.

"Why are they staring at me?" Lauren asked.

"Answer me or I'll break your legs," Lauren demanded with a threat.

"We're not scared of you anymore, Lauren. You can't bully us anymore," the boy said. Lauren released him as she looked around.

"Bully? You think that's what I am?"

"No," said a blonde girl.

"You're not a bully. You're just like us..." she said.

"You're just... Broken," another boy piped in.

Lauren looked around and she started feeling dizzy and lightheaded. She was up against the wall as people crowded around her. Everyone was talking over each other and it was too much for Lauren to handle. She slid down against the lockers and covered her ears with her hands.

"Stop talking," she said repeatedly.


Camila walked into the school and saw people crowding around. She was about to ignore it when she heard Lauren's name. She pushed through the crowd and saw Lauren on the floor. She looked so tiny and fragile that it broke her heart. She dropped onto her knees and tried to pull Lauren's hands away from her face.

"Lauren, babe, look at me," Camila said.

"No! Stop.. Stop talking!"

Camila stood up and shouted at the top of her lungs, "SHUT UP!!"

Everyone instantly kept quiet. It was unexpected at how loud the quietest girl in school could be.

Camila crouched down and tried to move Lauren's hands away from her ears gently.

"Lauren, it's me, Camila," she said with a soft tone.

"Camz?" Lauren asked as she looked up and met her gaze.

Camila smiled, "Hi."

Lauren looked around and saw that people were still looking at them.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," the younger girl said.

"Look at me," Camila said as Lauren met her gaze again.

"You're going to be okay, I promise," Camila said. Lauren nodded before Camila helped the older girl up. She cupped Lauren's face and smiled.

"You're okay," she said before she gave her a soft kiss on the lips. Camila pulled away and took Lauren's hand as she led her out of the crowd.


Lauren sat across Camila in the school's cafeteria. Camila watched as Lauren played with her fingers.

"What happened out there?" Camila asked.

"They probably watched the video."

"Oh," Camila said as she looked down.

"Who could've posted that?"

"Is it really that bad? I mean people know that you're not who they think you are. Isn't that what you wanted?" Camila asked.

"Not like this," Lauren said as she shook her head and looked away, "Now people are staring and they're asking questions. I was better off when they were scared of me. Being alone is better than this."

Behind The Mask (A Camren Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang