Chapter 13

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"Lauren!" Camila called out as she chased after the older girl. The green eyed girl just kept walking.

"LAUREN!!" she called out again as she saw Lauren walk out of the building through the back entrance. Camila was about to chase after her when Austin stopped her.

"Hey Camila," he greeted her.

"Not now, Austin," Camila said.

"Now is all I have. So, have you thought about that second date yet?"

"I said NOT NOW," Camila snapped as she pushed past him. Austin just watched her leave in confusion.


Camila walked out and found Lauren pacing back and forth with a lit cigarette in her mouth. Camila approached her but stopped when Lauren started screaming. The older girl didn't seem to be aware of her presence. Lauren put out the cigarette before she kicked a trash can with her boots. She ran her hands through her dark hair in frustration as she looked up into the sky.

"Lauren," Camila said quietly.

Lauren spun around and froze when she saw the young brunette approaching her.

"I'm sorry-"

"What do you want, Camila?"

"Are you okay?"

"What do you think?"

"You're upset," Camila said.

"You're DAMN RIGHT I'M UPSET," Lauren snapped.

"Where did you get that footage from?" she asked.

"Ally came over and she gave it to me," Camila said quietly.

"DAMN IT ALLYSON!!" Lauren exclaimed as she kicked the trash can again.

"Why are you so upset? What did I do wrong?"

"You're frustrating!! That's what!" Lauren exclaimed. Camila could see the tears running down from her eyes. Lauren was angry but this was a different kind of anger.

"That's not it," Camila said.

"You're not angry because of me. You're angry because of yourself..." Camila trailed off as she tried to piece together the puzzle.

"Oh my god!" Lauren huffed as she started pacing again.

"It was you," Camila said.

Lauren stopped in her tracks as she looked up and met Camila's gaze.

"You were the one who saw me play that first day, not Austin. You made sure that Austin didn't treat me like all his other conquests. You protected me from that pig from taking advantage of me. It was never Austin, it was you," Camila said.

"What's your point?"

"You're not angry at me for showing that video. You're angry at yourself for allowing those things to happen. Why?"

"I'm done talking," Lauren said as she grabbed her backpack from the ground and tried to walk away but Camila grabbed her wrist before she could.

"I'm not done," she said.

"Let go of me, Cabello," Lauren said harshly.

"Not until you tell me," Camila said, her grip tightened.

Lauren yanked back her wrist, "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, OKAY?!"

Camila felt like her heart had stopped beating. The girl with the blackest heart in the school was in love with her. Camila looked at her and her heart almost shattered. Lauren looked so broken, so vulnerable. She was crying. Not out of anger. She was heartbroken.

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