Chapter 43

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“Home, sweet, home!” Randy yelled as we set our stuff down in the foyer and our daughters ran up to us.

There were harmonious yells of ‘Mommy’ and ‘Daddy’ as we picked up the two girls that our hearts belonged to. I held Kenzie close as she was the one who ran to me first. A few minutes later I let her down and Brit came over to me. After her hug I remembered how good it felt to be with my family.

Randy and I looked down the foyer towards the dinning room after the time with the girls to see Randy’s parents standing there together smiling. Randy set his arm around my shoulder the same way his father was to his mother. I looked up to Randy to see him smiling towards the two he took a breath before speaking. It was soft and only two words but it brought the emotion level up in the little area.

“Hi mom” when those two words left his lips Elaine ran up and hugged us both tight and you could hear her sobs of happiness. When she pulled away she wiped her face and laughed at her self proclaimed foolishness. We all stood around for a few moments before Bob told us that they had just finished dinner and getting ready to set the girls down to bed.

“Perfect, Kaity and I will take our things upstairs and then help get the girls to sleep. What room are we in mom?”

“The girls are in the old guest room, you are in your own and good plan”

Bob and Elaine then took the girls into the television room for some dessert while Randy and I took our stuff upstairs and got comfortable. I grabbed my things and followed Randy up to the second story and to the last door on the right. He opened the door and I was star struck.

His room was twice the size of mine at home in Vegas, it had a California King bed, walk in closet, fireplace, flat screen television and almost every inch of wall space was covered in posters or pictures that I promised myself I would look at tomorrow when there was time.

“Sorry for the craziness of the room Kaity. It was my room when I was in high school and then when ever I came home I’d stay here but it was never long term so I never thought of renovating it.”

“Because it is yours it is perfect Randy. But I will have to question you while we are here on some of your design choices.” I said while I looked at all of the swim suit models on the walls. “Now where can I put my stuff?”

Randy chuckled and answered with in the closet and the dresser inside since he would share the closet and the dresser outside. I opened the closet and saw it empty, except 3 photo frames and 4 photo albums. I decided to look at them later most likely tomorrow when I could look at them with Randy.

I set my stuff away and changed by the time Randy was done with the same. We both walked down to see the girls watching tv trying to stay awake. When they saw us though they’re energy level sky rocketed and they ran and gave us hugs again.

We took them upstairs and gave them bathes before putting them in pjs and setting them into bed with smiles on their faces.

The clock rang 10 by time we returned back downstairs with our girls asleep. We went to the television room where Randy’s parents were watching tv and sat down on their other couch so we could talk. Randy sat against the arm so I sat next to him and curled into his side, relaxing for a moment and taking some deep breathes. I opened my eyes when Elaine spoke and was surprised by what she said.

“I told you Bob that they wouldn’t be able to stay away from each other no matter how big of a dumbass our son is.”

“Thanks mom” Randy shook his head sarcastically

“It’s true you were a jerk for breaking my daughter in-law’s heart. Yes that is you sweetie, I hope you don’t mind but we have kind of already adopted you into the family” Elaine spoke in that sweet motherly tone

“He was a jerk but, he is my jerk. And I don’t mind at all Elaine”

“Call me mom”

“Yes mom” We all laughed and the next to speak on the subject was Bob, or I guess Dad

“Sweetie you are a God send to take him back don’t let him forget that.”

“Thanks Dad”

I looked up at Randy and he smiled down at me before leaning down and kissing me sweetly.

“Bob it looks like this is our cue to leave for the night and pester these two again tomorrow.”

With that Elaine and Bob both said their goodnights and went to their bedroom down the hall.

“Kaity, they weren’t kidding you are so precious for just talking to me once more let alone taking me back.”

“I know I am” I rolled my eyes boasting and he just kissed my nose before adding on to his thought.

“You know Ms. Michaels that our un-official 6 month anniversary is coming up this weekend. So would you care to accompany me to a fancy dinner in honor of this plus Valentines next week?”

“I would love to Mr. Orton however that is impossible due to the fact of our storyline and that we can’t be seen together in public.”

“Who ever said that this romantic dinner was going to be out of the house?” he winked and did that adorable smirk that melts my heart.

“What ever am I going to do with you?”

“I’ll give you an answer on Saturday on our date.” And with that fact he stood up, picked me up bridal style and carried me to his room where he laid me down and I fell asleep next to him. My last conscience thought, ‘yup, now I definitively won’t be able to sleep soundly without him’



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