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Grayson's pov

I was at home taking care of baby Maria. She's a foster baby that Taylor and I had decided to take care of temporarily. I don't know what possessed Taylor to come up with such an idea. I didn't like it at first but I started getting used to it. It's like a little trial run before we have kids of our own but it's a little harder now that Taylor isn't helping. Taylor comes out of the hospital today but she's not coming home.

She really doesn't remember me. When she woke up I called the doctor and they took me out the room so they can examine her. After the exam her family went in while I waited in the halls and they were in there for a long time. Then eventually they came out and I went into the room to meet a sleeping Taylor and her mom.

Her mother explained that the last thing she remembers in the summer before collage and that was 15 years ago. She didn't know me then but she knew of me. The doctor told her that they Taylor had amnesia and did not know if she would get her memory back but she most likely wouldn't get it back. They recommend she stay with them but try continue her normal life. Taylors mother gave me back the engagement ring and hopes that I would give it to her again but it would be too much right now.

I didn't know what to do, I still don't. My fiancé doesn't remember me.

I didn't go back to the hospital because it wouldn't do any good she doesn't know me and I shouldn't overwhelm her with my presence. Her parents have been keeping me updated on her recovery.

I've been focusing all the energy on the baby, trying not to think of Taylor and the situation. The baby keeps blabbering and says her name over and over again. This is t fun but it's helping take my mind off Taylor. Well, only a little.

After feeding the baby we go into the living room and I sit her on the couch and put on her favorite show. After a few minutes she falls asleep and I take her to her bed. I then go back to the living room with the intent of watching a show but instead I fall asleep.


Taylors pov

I've just arrived at my parents house where I will be staying while I recover. Apparently I'm now 33 years old and I have no memory on the past 15 years. It was a lot to take in but at the same time it cool to hear that I have my own business that I have always dreamed of.

I have few gifts that some people have given me. I got flowers from my parents, chocolate from my brother and a gift basket from...Grayson? I look at the note to get more information.

-Hope I didn't scare you too much when you woke up. Hope we can see each other soon.

I though the note was pretty cute, like he was. I don't know him but I recognize him. After he left the hospital room I remember that I have seen him in the halls of school. He is one of Kevin's favorite people to torment.

I the last thing I remember with Kevin is that we broke up.

"Mum, what would you say my relationship with Grayson was?"

"To put it lightly, you two were very close. You had a very special bond with him," she answers. I feel like she's hiding more information.

"Maybe you two can meet up?" My dad chimes in.

"Yea I think I will, he seems nice." I say while looking at the basket her gave me. It was very sweet and thoughtful of him. "Where do I even start. How am I supposed to remember 15 years of my memory?"

"Don't stress too much, just relax. Doctors say try to continue to go through familiar surroundings. Luckily for work you have an assistant to tell you what you need to do. But no rush to get back."

"You can also look at pictures." My mother adds.

"I think pictures will make me sad," I say.

We then sit on around the dinner table and eat the meal that my mom has prepared for my arrival home. I loved everything and ate a lot. I'll have to go to the gym.

We keep the conversation light and they tell me about what they have been up to. Their anniversary has passed but they didn't do much but they are think of going on a weekend trip. I offer ideas of where they should go. In the middle of the discussion I hear the doorbell ring and go up to get it.

"Kevin?" I ask surprised to see him.


My condo is way too quiet. Now that baby Maria has gone back into the system, there is no rattling of toys or babbles coming from her. I walked in and I have no one expecting me and I'm not expecting anyone either.

I've lived alone before and it was very nice but now I'm used to having someone in the house. I'm used to having my fiancé here. All her stuff was taken out of the house so she can use it at her parents place. Now the place empty spaces where her stuff should be, where she should be.

I want to tell Taylor that she is my fiancé and that she should come home but I don't think that would work. I can't think about this. I need to do something. I already tried watching a show, sleeping, I went to the gym but I don't know what to do to get her out of my mind.

I then go to my office and take out my laptop. I guess I can just work overtime. I just need to get myself busy until I can deal with this. I hope we can find our way back to each other.

Author's note

Thanks for reading :)

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