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Grayson's pov.

I open my and look around my hospital room. My entire body is in pain and I can't stand it. I feel a soft hand on my arm and turn to look who it belongs to. Taylor is looking at me.

"Was I dreaming or did you you get your memory back?" I ask.

"I did." She says and I smile but she frowns.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes. Do you?"

"Yes. I really do." I look away, I'm not sure if she really means it. "I still want to be with you. Why didn't you tell me that I was with you, not Kevin?"

"Well you wouldn't believe me first of all. So I thought I could make you fall in love with me again but that didn't work. So I'm glad that you remembered, I was just about to give up."

"Didn't work?"

"Yea, you were all over Kevin and it sucks. I couldn't do it anymore."

"I would have fallen for you. My confused, stubborn self would have realized that I loved you. I was falling in love with you Gray. How could I not." I stay quiet. "Listen, I really am sorry for before the accident. I'm sorry for after the accident, it wasn't worth it. Babe, you are everything to me and I will make sure you know that everyday."

"Okay, I still need to get over you being with Kevin."

"I'm really sorry about that." She says and I proceed to change the subject and tell her what happened as well as everything that she missed even though she was here. We continue to talk for a while, nurses go in and out ,but I notice she is tired. I say she should go home but instead she climbs on the hospital bed with me and lays down besides me somehow managing not to aggravate my injuries further. She tells me that Kevin was put in jail and that is were he will be for a while now.

I've missed having her sleep beside me and trust me. I'm trying to enjoy this but I haven't quite grasped the fact that she is with me again.


Taylors pov.

It's been a month since everything has happened. I've moved back in with Greyson and he is healing well. I've been trying my best to make up for everything but I've mostly been taking care of him. I hope he doesn't think that that is all I'm here for and realizes that I do care about him.

I've taken him on a date a few days ago and I thought it was great. I think we a doing a great job at fixing our relationship.

I don't know why I was talking to other guys when I was with Grayson because I realize that the is no one that I would rather have than him. He is the most perfect man. I strayed for a bit but now I'm back. Kevin and any other man can't compete.

We were sitting in the office inside our place. Our desks we opposite each other as we worked. I have managed to get him to rest properly for two weeks but he couldn't do more than that.

He sits looking on his computer while he was in the clothes he went to work with. Well he didn't go to work, he had a skype meeting so is dressed like he went to work. Right now his blazer is off, his dress shirt is unbuttoned showing off his toned chest, his hair that is normally always looking neat is a sexy mess on his head.

I guess he noticed me staring because he looks at me. He just smiles and shakes his head and looks back to his laptop. I stand up from my seat and go over to him. I pull him out of his desk to make space while I sit on his thighs my leg on either side of him.

I've now gotten his attention we stare at each other for a minute before I lean in to kiss him. We have been together a month and while we have had a great emotional relationship we haven't really touched each other. I think he's scared to go to fast. The most we've don't is given each other a peck and hold hands but I want to take it a step further...


As I sit up I realize that Greyson is not beside me but instead I see flowers. I look around the room and still no Greyson but I see rose petals on the floor. I change into a dress quickly and follow the roses.

The roses lead out to the room, past the lounge and to the balcony where I see Greyson sitting looking outside.

"Morning," I say while I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his back. I let go and he turns around a smiles at me.

"Morning," he says.

"What is all the flowers about?" I ask. Still looking at me he kneels down and pulls out my engagement ring that I've been missing.

"I wanted to ask you agin. Will you marry me?" He says.

"Of course," I say. He then puts the ring on my shaking hand and then stands up. I pull him in for a kiss and I can't stop smiling.

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