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Taylors pov

I am fuming. I can't express my angry. It's ten in the morning and I catch Kevin stumbling out of a bar drunk. Drunk Kevin accidentally reveals that he was fired from his job a month ago. He has been staying over at my place a lot and he has been very persistent to move in, meanwhile, he has been a free loader.

I left him by the bar and drove off. The music was on blast as I attempt to calm down. I then drive into an area that seems familiar. I park the car but stay in and look at the surroundings.

I then see a familiar person, Grayson. He walks out of what I assume is his apartment building and stops outside to talk to the security guard. He is wearing black jean, a white t shirt, a leather jacket and he was holding a black helmet. I see him walk away and I quickly get out the car and call for him. He stops and turns around then smiles when he sees me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I was just driving around and ended up here," I tell him honestly." I'm glad I ran into you."


"Yes, are you busy maybe we could do something together?"

"I was gonna go for a ride. You can come along too."

"Sure, where's your car?" I ask looking around.

"It's not a car, stay here." He says then runs inside a garage. About five minutes later a motor bike pulls up in front of me and then the driver take of the helmet to show it's Grayson. He holds up a red helmet for me to take. Even though I am shocked I take the helmet, climb on and hold onto him as he drives off.

It's such a rush. We move fast and I watch as the buildings and the surrounding pass us by while I pull myself closer to Gray. Sadly the ride finishes too soon and we arrive by a quiet park. He parks the bike and then we go to sit by a bench.

"How long have you had this bike for?"

"A few years now."

"It's really nice, I didn't expect it." He laughs at my comment. We fall into a comfortable silence and then my mind starts to wonder off.

"What's on your mind?" He asks me, bringing me back to where we are.

"I'm having problems with Kevin." I say honestly.

"You're still with him."

"Are you shocked?"

"Yea, I was also hoping you'd break up with him by now. You know he's not a good guy. I don't know what he did this time but I'm sure it's bad yet you still continue to be with him. Of all the guys--" he takes a deep breath, "You could have any other guy but you choose Kevin, why?"

"I don't remember anything except him. He's fun to be around. He's changed I guess," I pause. It sounds like I'm trying to convince the both of us why I'm still with Kevin, "I don't know. I know him and I feel like I can trust him." He looks away from me and I realize that I've offended everyone who has been trying to help me, especially him "I'm so--"

"I should take you back, I just remembered I have to go somewhere." He interrupts. I don't respond as we walk back to the bike and before I knew it back to the area I found him. I get off the bike and I give him a wave goodbye and he's gone. Even though he's mad I still wanted a hug to feel like we can work this out but he's gone before I could explain.

I get in my car and then drive back to my condo. I park and then go to my place where I find Kevin waiting outside. I don't say anything as I walk past him and open the door but I leave the door open so he can come inside.

"I'm sorry, I'll get a job soon and then pay you back. I'm sorry for being a freeloader and I'm sorry that you saw me like that earlier. Just give me a chance baby." He says quickly. I want to tell him it's over and that it's too late but it's not in my nature to be tough.

So instead I say,"You have one more chance and then we are never getting back together okay. You better be the best man to walk on earth from now on."


Grayson's pov

I have no idea how I got Taylor to love me in the past. I feel like I have done everything that I did in the past. I've been there, for her I've given her gifts, I've tried being hard to get. Nothing is working to get her to like me.

I walk into the diner and ask to see if Cathleen was there. Even though she doesn't run the shop anymore she is always around here. She has become a mother figure to me. After some time she then comes out and we take sit opposite each other by a table.

"What's wrong, sweetie," she asks sweetly.

"I'm done. Did you know that she was talking to Kevin before that accident and now Kevin is still a horrible person yet she's still with him. She said that he's the only one she can trust, so I'm done. I'm done thinking of her night and day while she is with Kevin and Kevin loves to shove it in my face. I can't move on and this feeling sucks."

"I'm sure she didn't mean what she said."

"It doesn't matter now. I'm tired. I think it's time to give up. I'm thinking of getting a new location cause business has been great."

"That's great news, hun."

"I want to put it far away so I can move there, I'll spend all my time on the business and I won't have a Taylor there or anyone. I think that would be best."

"That certainly won't be best, what about me." I laugh at this.

"I'll take you with, I'll get you a house and everything."

"Well, let me give a few suggestions on where we should go. Some where that has a beach" she says excitedly.

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