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Taylors POV

It was crazy, I could feel every emotion. I remember the words said, the faces of everyone, the things that have happened. Everything. The fuzzy dream that I had yesterday has now become clear. I remember.

Waking up today is like finally waking up from a nightmare. I could finally breathe and understand. I am still in a lot of shock.

I want to tell everyone about this news, I'm sure they would all be very glad to know about this. I also have this urge to maybe keep this a secret and tell them is a while. I know they couldn't really tell me about my memories because then I would have freaked out.

Grayson. I'm supposed to be dating Kevin right now but I'm engaged to Grayson. This is not good, it's really bad. What was I thinking getting back with Kevin when Grayson was still right there. I'm about to pull all my hair out thinking about what I've done.

Grayson has been nothing but kind to me through all this time, like always, but I've barely been there for him. I basically told him I didn't trust him and after everything that he's done for me. The most terrible thing that I have done his that I'm dating the one person he can't stand. I need to fix this.

When I lost my memory I was so lost because I didn't know what to do. I was so far in life but had no clue how I got there and how I should carry on. I just wanted some sort of stability and I blame that as the reason for being with Kevin but that is not going to last anymore. I know now that I'm not missing Kevin at all, but I do miss gray.

I start to change so that I can go to Grayson and explain but mostly apologize. I look and the mirror and see that I look to casual in my legs and hoodie. I change the hoodie into a tank top and cardigan then apply some make up. I want to meet him as soon as possible and I want to make a good impression.

I take my phone to find Grayson's number as I begin to make my way out of my place grabbing a few things on the way. I hear a knock on the door and I'm surprised because I want expecting anyone. I open the door and find Kevin.

"Hi," I say. I don't want to see him, after all, he's been my boyfriend when he knows I was with grey. I bet he's been so smug about it all along. I really need to break up with him.

"I have a surprise for you," he says then pulls me towards him but I shake him off.

"We need to talk," I say.

"We can talk there," he brushes. Doesn't seem notice that I didn't want him here.

"Fine, I'll follow you there in my car. I have to run some errands."

"Okay," he says and then I lock my place and go to my car and follow him. I follow him for 20 minutes and then we are parked outside a house. I sent Greyson a message just before I left and he has answered.

Him: hey
Me: I want to meet you today xo
Him: I don't know kinda had plans
Me: please, I want to see you. I'm at that summer crest neighborhood. I'll meet you straight after.
Why do you say?

Kevin knocks on my window to get me out of the car so I don't know what's going to happen but I hope I see Greyson.

Kevin and I walk in to a gorgeous house with no one but us inside it. Kevin shows me around the  house and I'm wondering why we are here but I think I already know too.

"What do you think?" He asks as we take a seat in the backyard.

"It's great but Kevin don't ask me to move in here." I reply.

"C'mon babe. Just say yes."

"No, I can't."


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