Chapter Two: It Is On

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~ Harry Styles POV ~

"Right, so I bet you boy's are wondering why I have asked you lad's here?"

"Yeah" we all said in perfect sync.

"Well, I have decided to have you boy's do a collaboration album with a friend's band of mine"

We all sat there for a second "Why?" Liam asked.

"Because, they will be retiring soon and need to go out with a bang... and I owe him" Simon chuckled.

"Who are they?" Niall asked curiously.

"My Chemical Romance"

We sat in silence "Who?" Simon face palmed.

"Google it"

Simon walked out and we surrounded Liam's phone and clicked their first video.

We stopped and stared at the phone in shock "That was..."

"They're an emo band!"

~ Talon's POV ~

We were in front of the house we were going to be staying in.

The past two day's, well... they were filled with tear's.

And when someone decide's to cry, it turn's into a fucking crying concert.

I tell ya, it was so depressing.

"Well, One Direction won't be here until two hour's"

I turn and give Frank a look and we both took off "WE'RE GETTING THE BEST ROOM'S!"

"WAIT!" Teddy called after us.

 We all stopped in the front entrance, well, i'll be damned.

"You all will be sharing a room" instantly, all the guy's tried to grab me.



I laughed, I feel the love.

"No, Simon and I have decided to put you in the room with a member of the other band"

We all went silent "I am not letting Talon sleep in a room with hormonal boy's!" and here come's the over protective father.

"I second that!" Naw, Frankie boy to!

"Third that" Mikey... I could hug you.

"Fourth it" Thank you god, for Ray.

"To bad, you are all sleeping with another member out of the other band, for bonding time"

'You fucking sicko'

I signed at Teddy.

"Not like that Talon, don't you have any respect for me?"

'Sorry, your respect went out the window an hour ago'

He sighed "Just wait in the lounge room"

We all walked in and I sat on an arm chair and pulled out my leather book. I started to continue my lyrics.


I looked up when I heard a car door slam shut, and some chatter. The door bell rand and I stood and walked to the door, and opened it. 

There stood five boy's, all holding big suitcases, along with a duffel bag and another four suitcases... EACH.

"Hi, we're One-" I slammed the door shut and walked back into the lounge room.

My Chemical Romance And One Direction... And Then There's MeWhere stories live. Discover now