Chapter Six: Harry's Secret Fan Fiction Collection

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I sat at the kitchen counter, scooping at the ice cream into my mouth as I tried not to cry, "... We should get someone to talk to her"

"... Go on!"

"Piss off, I don't speak alien!" 

I turned the volume up on my iPod and grabbed the Hershey official chocolate sauce bottle and opened my mouth, before squeezing the whole bottle into my mouth, hey, if i'm going to be tortured and hunted down, I might as well die with chocolate in my system.

"... Is she going through a female break up or something?"

"I bet she's pregnant- OW!"

"Shut it Harry" I hear someone growl.

Why won't their voices just go awa-... I picked the end of my head phones up... where's my damn iPod?!

"Talon...?" I looked up to see Niall staring at my ice cream bucket, and so I wrapped my arms around it and narrowed my eyes at him, "Are you okay?" 

I pulled over another three ice cream containers and drowned them in chocolate sauce, before nodding at him, "Uh... are you sure?"

I nodded, picking my ice cream tubs up and walking out of the room, ".... Let's go tell Gerard"

I stopped, turning around I glared at Liam, giving him the, 'Don't you fucking dare' look, "I'll do it!" Harry sing's, before running up the stairs, I dropped my ice cream tubs and chased after him.

I was sooo tempted to scream after him, swearing at him and tell him about how i'm going to cut him open and sell his insides to his fan girl's- or the black market.

I tackled him to the ground and we both wrestled, "Get off of me you freak!" I lightly slapped his face, and he grabbed my wrists and flipped us over, I growled under my breath, trying to figure out whether of not if I can attack him since he was only-...


Too close.

And when I say that he is 'too close', I mean his nose is just touching mine, his eyes widened as we both stared at each other- well... glaring... I think...

I then realized how freaking... open this situation was. I am currently in pyjama short's, and a shirt that hangs off of my shoulder, and he was wearing a shirt and a pair of jeans... not much, but we are outside of people's bed rooms...

They might get the wrong idea here.

We both suddenly had red rushing to our cheeks and I tried to get out from underneath him, "WHAT THE- HARRY STYLES!" we both gasped and I almost threw him through a wall (what a shame that I didn't) before standing up.

I looked at dad with wide eyes, before brushing myself down and then ran for the fucking hills, "TALON WAY, GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE-"


"YOU'RE DEAD PRETTY BOY!" I skidded to a stop and turned, to find dad trying to get to Louis with his fists.

"Gerard, calm down, I was filming the whole thing... it was a just an accident... well... Talon seem's to be feeling better though" 

I shot Ray a dirt look, but he only grins, before running away. 



I sat on my bed, staring at my phone... waiting I guess...

The door opens and I glance up to see Harry walk in, I looked at him for a second, before I went back to my phone, "Does anyone know where my phone is?"

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