Chapter Eight: Surprise Behind The Front Door

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"What... the... fuck..." someone breaths heavily, waking me from my sleep.

Groggily I 'mmmed' and buried my head so it was closer to the warm object, "Is..."

"Gee, don't blow your top off..." I hear Uncle Mikey warn... wait... hold on a second...

Something tugs me from my spot and I became instantly warmer that before - thank the lord because London is cold as fuck.

"Going..." I hear someone breathe in shakily and my eyes snapped open to come face to face with a bare chest, well a bare chest besides a bird that was staring at me... what the fuck...

"On. Here?!" 

Jolting up from my spot I sat, hovering over Harry flipping Styles with my arms on either side of his body as I stared at him in shock, did I get drunk last night? Or - not wait, I remember everything... "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY DAUGHTERS BED?!"

This week is defiantly not my week.

Harry's eyes snapped open, both our eyes met and fear sparked in both of our's before I was pulled away from on top of Harry and Harry was dragged out of the bed by my father.

"Get your skinny little ass out of this house!" he screams and throws Harry out of the bedroom door before he followed him. Quickly I scrambled off of the bed and ran past Mikey to where my dad was trying to punch the living crap out of Harry Styles.

Dad! Stop! My mind screamed and I ran at my father before I grabbed onto his fist and tried with all my might to stop him from hitting Harry in the face - don't want any fan girls to murder one of my father figures now, do I?

I shook my head furiously at him before I tried to pull his other hand away from Harry's throat, Harry's chest moves up and down rapidly as he stared at me - completely stunned by the looks of things.

I made a squeaking nose as I tried to pull dad off of the teen heart throb and tell him that it's a misunderstanding, "Don't Talon, don't you dare. I found him in your bed - half naked-" I shook my head at him, god some people think so lowly of me sometimes, don't they?

"No? He's half naked Talon!" he screams in my face and I quickly slapped him across the face - leaving the three of us stunned.

Awkwardly I recovered from my sudden slap thing and shook Gee by his shoulders before I point to Harry, then to me and shook my head.

"No? Please, I'm not an idiot. He's half naked, after a party that served alcohol-" I thumped him over the head and glared at him before I pointed at Harry and made my hand a beak before I mouthed 'speak'.

"I found Talon upset last night, crying, sobbing and things. She needed someone to comfort her and I guess we fell asleep while I was trying to comfort her - terribly might I add. And with words - before you get the wrong idea..." Harry lied a bit, but all in all - Dad shouldn't try to punch him in the face again.

Dad took a deep breath in before he breathed out, "Are you sure?" Harry nods, and so do I.

"No Hanky Panky?"

"No Hanky Panky sir" Harry looked absolutely terrified with my dad almost beating him to death... I wonder why - that was sarcasm, in case someone doesn't get sarcasm out there.

Dad turned to me and I glared at him, "Phew, thought you lost your V-card for a second" I gasped before I clocked him one in the stomach, he curled into a ball of pain as he clutched his stomach.

Harry sat up and stared at my dad, then at me with wide eyes, "You're a virgin? I thought you were a party animal or something-" I rolled my eyes before I thumped him too over the head before I got up and walked down the hall way to find the most horrific sight in front of me.

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